21. 01. 2018    ISSUE 5

I·CARE Theatre's First Screening: I, Daniel Blake

Starting from this month, the I·CARE Theatre, co-organised by this Centre and The Office of the Arts Administrator, will bring you a fine selection of films under the theme "Glitter in the Gloom" in four consecutive months.

Details of the first screening of the I·CARE Theatre are as follows:

Film:I, Daniel Blake*
Date:23 January 2018 (Tuesday)
Time:7:00 pm
Venue:Sir Run Run Shaw Hall
Duration:100 minutes
Language:English, with subtitles in Chinese

Please click here for more information. If there is any enquiry, you may contact Ms. Ho of this Centre via 3943 8621 (Tel) or icare@cuhk.edu.hk (Email).

*Film's Synopsis

Near retirement age, Daniel Blake suffers a heart attack and is advised by his cardiologist not to return to work.  As a widower with no relatives, Daniel attempts to apply for financial aid from the government but has been considered ineligible, for he is deemed fit to work after an assessment conducted by the Labour Department.  Daniel crosses paths with Katie, a single mother of two young children, who has been evicted by her landlord.  Katie later has her benefits sanctioned for missing a job centre appointment.  In the face of the ridiculous and bureaucratic welfare system, all Daniel and Katie can do is to offer timely help to each other.

This film reveals how the grassroots are protected under such a "comprehensive" social welfare system.  In 2016, it was awarded the La Palme d'or (Golden Palm) - the ultimate recognition given at Cannes.


* Please click the image at the top-right corner to view the full poster.

I·CARE Theatre’s First Screening: I, Daniel Blake

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Table of Contents


Life@CUHK - Exploring the Plentiful Possibilities of Life

I·CARE Theatre's First Screening: I, Daniel Blake

I·CARE Salon (10th Session) - What is "Country"

I·CARE Achievers Programme: Tryout Activities

I·CARE Social Service Projects Scheme 2017-18: 2nd Round of Application Opened

I·CARE NGO Internship Programme (Mainland & Taiwan) 2018: Open for Application

S.I. Leadership Workshop II

The 3rd Session of A Walk in Community with I·CARE 2017-18: Full

"Fitness x Mentorship" Scheme Successfully Completed

Talk of Walter Cheung: The Voice of 66 Marathons

Event Calendar


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