30. 11. 2020    ISSUE 27

Training Events under Social Service Projects Scheme

The I·CARE Social Service Projects Scheme of this academic year organised two online training activities on the 16th and 30th of October respectively.  They were conducted for students who aspire to implement social services, particularly those interested in submitting applications for funding support under the aforesaid scheme.  The participants are expected to be equipped with competence in actualising their ideas.

The first activity is the "Workshop of Practice cum Sharing Session" where two outstanding teams funded by the I·CARE Social Service Projects Scheme were invited to share their bittersweet experience in rendering social service amid the pandemic.  Their respective projects are (1) “Love ∙ Care ∙ Boundaryless” which served asylum seekers in Hong Kong and (2) “Community Physical and Mental Health Scheme” which provided free Chinese medical consultation for the underprivileged.

The second activity is the Sharing Session on “From Giving to Gaining - A Reflection on Overseas Service Learning”.  The guests included Dr. Kevin Hung, Assistant Professor of the Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit of Faculty of Medicine, and three project teams funded by the I·CARE Social Service Projects Scheme namely (1) “2019 Medical Outreachers Sichuan Medical Education and Service Trip” which promoted hygiene education in Sichuan of the Mainland; (2) “Sunshine in Cambodia” which conducted voluntary teaching in Cambodia and (3) “Nepal Medical Service Trip: Project Namtar 4” which provided health education services in Nepal.  These teams related the social issues identified in their service destinations, followed by the sharing of difficulties and limitations they had encountered and the appropriate attitude they had possessed.  Apart from guiding the participants to reflect on volunteering abroad, Dr. Hung shed light on the factors in successful overseas services.  He encouraged the participants to step out of their comfort zone and embrace different cultures in order to create greater impact along with the local people.

For more information about the I·CARE Social Service Projects Scheme, please visit here.  If there is any enquiry, you may contact Miss Fung of this Centre at 3943 9860 (Tel) or mayfung@cuhk.edu.hk (Email).

Training Events under Social Service Projects Scheme
Training Events under Social Service Projects Scheme
Training Events under Social Service Projects Scheme
Training Events under Social Service Projects Scheme
Training Events under Social Service Projects Scheme

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I·CARE Community Research Scheme: Training and Recruitment

I·CARE Cross-generational Integration Programme - Pastel Nagomi Art Workshop

“Fitness x Mentorship” Scheme: Progress Update

ELA Report for Collection of Prospective Graduates

CUHK Bridge to China Team: Progress Update

Training Events under Social Service Projects Scheme

I·CARE Secret Talk: Successfully Completed

Value Exploration Activities under I·CARE Achievers Programme

I·CARE Hong Kong Cultural Tours Project: Progress Update

CUEA Happy Hour - A Straw, A Crutch, A Book: Where Innovation Meets Social Problems

Social Enterprise Startup Scheme: Summary of First Term

“Sustainable Development Goals x General Education” Study Scheme

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