EAP Tips: Let Gratitude become your habit!

You don't need to wait until Thanksgiving to feel grateful! Gratitude helps us fight against negative emotions, strengthens your stress coping repertoire, and increases your happiness. The following tips help you to develop your gratitude habit:

1. Write down at least three things you are grateful for every morning or before bedtime: 
 Read what you have written from time to time. As time goes by, your happiness grows as you go through them.

2. Count Your Blessings:
Don't take things for granted! Be blessed that you can wake up in the morning, see things with your eyes, walk around freely, able to work, have family or friends to be with after work and share our days. Start counting things you have and are worth grateful for!

3. Thank for challenges you encountered:
Poor interpersonal relationship, misfortunes and setbacks in life and work will undoubtedly trigger negative emotions. However, they also offer opportunities for us to learn to cope with difficulties, as well as to get wiser and more competent each day with these successful experiences!

Source: FOUR DIMENSIONS Consulting Ltd. – EAP Tips: http://www.fourdimensions.org/erc/1e-etips/201011-Eng.pdf

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ISSUE 5    JAN 2016
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