------------------------------------------ EVENTS ------------------------------------------ Orientation Day for Undergraduate Admissions |
The Orientation Day held on 24 November, 2018 offered prospective students and parents opportunities to explore the campus of a world's top comprehensive research university and to get a taste of university life as well as enjoy fun through hands-on science activities. This year, over 3,100 visitors attended the admission talks offered by the Faculty, where various aspects of study life such as curriculum, research opportunities and study abroad information were presented.
Popular Science Special Lecture Series: How Nobel Prizes are won |
Three Science professors spoke on "How Nobel Prizes 2018 are Won" at the Popular Science Special Lecture Series on 30 November, 2018 inspiring students through stories of hard work and awardees' passion for science.
10th Anniversary Symposium of Cell and Molecular Biology |
The Cell and Molecular Biology Programme celebrated its 10th anniversary with a daylong symposium, on which kicked-off with commemorative speeches by Professor Poon Wai Yin (Pro-Vice-Chancellor); Professor Xie Zuowei (Interim Dean of Science); Professor Wong Kam Bo (Director of the School of Life Sciences); and Professor Ge Wei (Founding Director of the Programme). Six alumni guest speakers also shared highlights and discoveries in their research.
20th Anniversary Symposium of Molecular Biotechnology |
Molecular Biotechnology Programme has launched celebration to mark the 20th Anniversary of its founding. Academic Talks, Entrepreneurship Talks by the CEOs of biotechnology companies and Career Workshop were organized to showcase the new developments of Molecular Biotechnology in the industry.
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Graduation Ceremonies |
The 85th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees was grandly held at the University Mall on 15 November, 2018. Around 850 students were conferred the degrees of Bachelor of Science this year.
Over 300 Master's Degree Science students also celebrated their successful completion of postgraduate studies this year. Graduates shared the joy with their beloved peers, teacher, families and friends at the Master's Graduation Degree Ceremony on 16 November officiated by Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor Poon Wai Yin. Guest of Honour of the ceremony, Professor Henry Wong, Head of New Asia College and former Dean of Science, shared his thoughts on CUHK education in his inspiring speech and encouraged students to act with integrity and defiance, and treat others with sincerity and honesty.
Photos by Faculty | Photos by University
Alumni Homecoming Day |
Warmest welcome was expressed to alumni who returned to visit their alma mater Faculty on 24 November, 2018. They enjoyed meeting their former teachers, sharing with current students and touring the stunning campus again. This annual event was a great opportunity for the Faculty to maintain close tie with our alumni and to spark new relationships and connections.
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------------------------------------------ FACULTY ACHIEVEMENT ------------------------------------------ Professor Chu Ming Chung has been elected Fellow of the American Physical Society |
Professor Chu Ming Chung has been elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (class of 2018) with the following citation:
For pioneering work in neutrino physics experiment in Daya Bay, and for his dedicated efforts in nurturing, promoting and internationalizing the STEM education in Hong Kong, as well as promoting international collaboration through the Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment and ATLAS.
More details
Conferment of Honorary Professor |
Professor Qiu Yong, Honorary Professor of the Faculty of Science, has been conferred by CUHK the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa in recognition of his exceptional contributions to scientific research, academia and society. Mrs. Carrie Lam, GBM, GBS, Chancellor of CUHK, presided at the 86th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees held on 29 November, 2018.
University Press Release | More photos
Highly Cited Researchers 2018 |
Professor Wang Jianfang and Professor Jimmy Yu named "Highly Cited Researchers 2018" by Clarivate Analytics for their research works being highly cited by fellow academics. Congratulations!
University Press Release
Croucher Innovation Award and Croucher Senior Research Fellowship |
Professor Tjonnie Li and Professor Miao Qian have been conferred prizes from The Croucher Foundation. The Awards were presented by the Honorable Matthew Cheung Kin Chung, the Chief Secretary for Administration of the HKSAR Government on 7 December, 2018.
The Hong Kong Mathematics Society Young Scholar Award 2018 |
Professor Ronald Lui of Department of Mathematics has been awarded The Hong Kong Mathematics Society Young Scholar Award 2018 in recognition of his significant contributions in computational geometry and image processing. His research brought into use deep theory that has been developed on conformal maps and Teichmueller theory, and contributes significantly to a vibrant interface between pure and applied mathematics.
Major Progress Made in Plant Multivesicular Body Biogenesis and Membrane Protein Vacuolar Transport |
A transformative progress has been uncovered in plant multivesicular body biogenesis and membrane protein vacuolar transport by Professor Jiang Liwen and his team. Combining empirical research with original theory, Professor Jiang newly identified a novel role and mechanism for plant-specific BRAF (BRo1-domain protein as FREE1 suppressor), which functioned as a unique evolutionary endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) negative regulator in orchestrating intraluminal vesicle (ILV) formation in MVB/PVCs and the sorting of membrane proteins for vacuolar degradation in plants.
Low-cost and High-precision Nano Chips for Effective Detection of Harmful Substances |
Professor Wang Jianfang, along with his outstanding research team, have developed a remarkably low-cost, precise and efficient nano chip for Raman spectroscopy, which allowed effective and accurate detection of harmful substances in food, including but not limited to malachite green, melamine as well as a wide variety of harmful pesticides and additives. This significant intellectual breakthrough was necessary for safeguarding food safety, one of the most pressing issue in the world.
Stride in Fruit Nutritional Quality Improvement |
Professor Zhong Silin of School of Life Sciences and his team of international plant scientists from all over the world, have achieved huge success in the elucidation of the genetic and epigenetic basis for the evolution of fleshy fruits. The findings pave the way for growing fruit with improved nutritional quality in the future. The study results have been published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature Plants.
------------------------------------------ STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT ------------------------------------------ Postgraduate Research Output Award 2017 |
Mr. Liu Song, PhD in Physics, has been awarded the Postgraduate Research Output Award 2017 for the research output "Weak synchronization and large-scale collective oscillation in dense bacterial suspensions", Nature 542, pp.210–214 (2017).
International Quant Championship 2018 |
A team of Science and Engineering students has won the National Winner award in the ''International Quant Championship 2018'' held in Beijing in July 2018. This Championship was a global and team based competition, where students can build a team of 3 to 6 individuals to compete first at the local university level. In the next round, among 11,000 participants from more than 1,000 universities across 80 countries, our students were invited to compete in the Global Final held in Singapore with other top participants with outstanding quantitative minds.
Science Students Won Champions In National Innovation Competitions |
Two groups of Science students won nationwide gold medals respectively in The 4th China College Students' "Internet Plus" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition and China College Student's Entrepreneurship Competition. Both projects had been awarded the Second-Class honour in the "Challenge Cup" National Competition Hong Kong Regional Final prior to the said national competitions.
The Simon Marais Mathematics Competition |
We are excited to announce that CUHK Mathematics Team has won the 1st Place of University Prize-winner in the Simon Marais Mathematics Competition. The Team also recorded extraordinary outstanding result among 891 students from 20 universities in Asia-Pacific region.
Outstanding Students Awards 2018 |
The first CUHK Outstanding Students Awards presentation ceremony 2018 was grandly held on 15 October on campus. A total of 15 Science students were bestowed these prestigious awards in a number of fields, ranging from social service, sports to special achievements, in recognition of their exceptional performance and courage to encounter challenges.
International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) 2018 |
A team of 12 CUHK students from various Faculties have successfully developed a self-testing solution to detect various influenza viruses. Their hard work has been conferred the Gold Medal at the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) 2018 Giant Jamboree held in Boston, USA.
------------------------------------------ UPCOMING EVENTS ------------------------------------------
Faculty Distinguished Lecture Series In celebration of the 55th anniversary of CUHK, the Faculty arranges a series of inspiring lectures to be offered by worldwide eminent scholars throughout 2018-19. Speakers travelled all the way long to CUHK campus to share their areas of expertise, enthusiasm and prominent scientific research outcomes. All lectures are open for public. Visit www.sci.cuhk.edu.hk/FDLS for details.
Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award cum Student Awards Presentation Ceremony Date: 26 January, 2019 (Saturday) Time: 10:30am - 12:30pm Venue: LT1, Yasumoto International Academic Park
Science Career Fair 2019 and Career Talks Date: January - March, 2019 A series of pre-Fair activities including recruitment talks, CV workshops, alumni sharing sessions will be organised from January to March. Stay tuned with the Faculty website www.sci.cuhk.edu.hk and facebook page CUHKScienceCareerFair
------------------------------------------ CALL FOR APPLICATION ------------------------------------------
Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2019 Submission Deadline: 27 December, 2018
Faculty Exemplary Teaching Awards Submission Deadline: 4 January, 2019
Reaching Out Award Submission Deadline: 4 January, 2019
Matching Fund to Support Summer Workshops 2018-19 Submission Deadline: 28 January, 2019