Delegation visit from Southwest Hospital, The Third Military Medical University, China

A delegation led by Prof. Wei Bang-Fu, Director, Southwest Hospital, Third Military Medical University, China visited the School of Biomedical Sciences on 12 April 2013.

Comprising Prof. Ji Jun-Sheng, Associate Director, Prof. Bian Xiu-Wu, Director of Institute of Pathology and Dr. Liu Jun, Deputy Officer of Political Department, the delegates met with Prof. Chan Wai-Yee, Director, School of Biomedical Sciences to learn the latest development of our School and to further explore opportunities for research collaborations with our investigators.  After the meeting, Prof. Chan guided the visitors to tour our core laboratories, animal holding core and the Epithelial Cell Biology Research Centre located at the Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building.

The Southwest Hospital and the Third Military Medical University are no stranger to the School of Biomedical Sciences.  Apart from the prior visit of Prof. Bian Xiu-Wu in March 2012, the Third Military Medical University also organized with our School the Joint Symposium on Cancer & the 5th International Forum on Cancer Research and Drug Discovery in November 2012.  This visit deepened the mutual understanding and linkage, and promoted further research collaborations between the two institutions.

(From left) Dr. Li Hiu Ming, Prof. Lu Gang, Prof. Ji Jun-Sheng, Prof. Chan Wai-Yee, Prof. Wei Bang-Fu, Prof. Bian Xiu-Wu and Dr. Liu Jun

The visitors tour the aquatic zone of the animal holding core

The visitors tour the Epithelial Cell Biology Research Centre

The visitors tour the core laboratories

The visitors tour the core laboratories

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