The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Nov 06, 2009 Volume 37
Office of Academic Links(China)
Forum with Mainland Experts on Knowledge Transfer and Roundtable on Entrepreneurship Education (REE) Asia 2009

To facilitate the interflow of ideas and collaboration among universities of Mainland China and Hong Kong on the development and commercialization of research output, the Knowledge Transfer Unit, Centre for Innovation and Technology (CINTEC) and Office of Academic Link (China) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) co-hosted the Forum with Mainland experts on Knowledge Transfer on 20 October 2009 at the Cho Yiu Hall on the CUHK campus. With the support and participation of the co-organizer, Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council (HKITJC) and Beijing-Hong Kong Academic Exchange Centre, near 30 experts from universities of Mainland China and local industries attended the forum. Participants shared and exchanged experiences on the tripartite interaction among the industry, education and research sectors as well as the application of technological advancements.

The Forum began with a presentation by Ms Sharon Tam, Knowledge Transfer Manager of CUHK, on the University's efforts and directions in knowledge transfer. Professor Wong Kam Fai, Director of CINTEC then led the sharing and discussions among representatives on the achievements, development and difficulties encountered by them as they are conducting knowledge transfer at the universities they represented.


Participants have also joined Roundtable on Entrepreneurship Education Asia 2009 which was co-hosted by Center for Entrepreneurship (CfE) and Centre for Innovation and Technology (CINTEC) and Stanford Technology Ventures Program (STVP) of the Stanford University from 21 to 23 October at Hong Kong Science Park, Hong Kong Cyberport and Shenzhen respectively.


The theme was Global Entrepreneurship. Near 100 representatives from academia, research institutes, venture investors, entrepreneurs and technology industries from around the globe joined and shared their views on how innovative technology ventures of global impact could arise from the tripartite interaction. Amongst the representatives, more than one third were from Mainland China.

In the Forum with Mainland experts on Knowledge Transfer, participants share ideas and experiences on knowledge transfer being conducted at their universities

Roundtable on Entrepreneurship Education (REE) Asia 2009. From the right: Prof. Kam-fai Wong (CINTEC, CUHK), Prof. Tom Byers (STVP), Prof. AnnaLee Saxenian (UC Berkeley), Dr. Tina Seelig (STVP), Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (CUHK), Prof. Bee-leng Chua, Prof. Hugh Thomas and Prof. Kevin Au (CfE)

:: Back to This Issue
:: CUHK Delegation visits Kunming Institute of Zoology
:: 2009 Meeting of the Association of University Presidents of China and Presidents' Forum
:: Delegation from Ministry of Education
:: Visit of Taiwan University President
:: The 11th Challenge Cup
:: The 11th Higher Education Management Training Programme in Tsinghua University
:: Forum with Mainland Experts on Knowledge Transfer and Roundtable on Entrepreneurship Education (REE) Asia 2009
:: The Latest Academic Exchange Agreements

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