The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jan 03, 2011 Volume 52
Office of Academic Links(China)
Visit of Prof. Pan Yunhe, Executive Vice-President of Chinese Academy of Engineering

A 5-member delegation led by Prof. Pan Yunhe, Executive Vice-President of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) visited the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on 2 December to explore future cooperation opportunity.

The delegation received a warm welcome in CUHK. They met with Prof. Joseph Sung, Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Jack Cheng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Prof. Xu Yangsheng, Associate-Pro-Vice-Chancellor to gain knowledge about CUHK's recent development and collaboration projects in Mainland China. At the meeting, Prof. Pan Yunhe explained the long term development plan of CAE to CUHK representatives.


The visit enabled the delegates of CAE to have a better understanding of the University, its research work in Engineering, Chinese Studies, Medicine as well as the development in Shenzhen. The meetings provided an excellent opportunity to nurture friendship and laid the foundation for further collaboration.

Prof. Joseph Sung (right), VC of CUHK presents a souvenir to Prof. Pan Yunhe (left), Executive Vice-President of Chinese Academy of Engineering

CUHK representatives welcome the delegation from Chinese Academy of Engineering

:: Back to This Issue
:: Cross-Strait Presidents Attend the Installation Ceremony of CUHK Vice-Chancellor
:: Visit of Prof. Pan Yunhe, Executive Vice-President of Chinese Academy of Engineering
:: 2010 CAE Academicians Visit Programme cum Lecture Series Successfully Launched
:: Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of High Confidence Software Technologies (Sub-Laboratory, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Established
:: Writers @CUHK
:: Other Important Visits
:: The Latest Academic Exchange Agreements
:: Funding Supported by K. C. Wong Education Foundation (Academic Seminar)

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