The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mar 01, 2018 Volume 142
Office of Academic Links(China)
Strategic Outreach Trips

1.  CUHK Vice-Chancellor Leads Delegation to Beijing

2. Vice-Chancellor Rocky Tuan Attends THE Asia Universities Summit


CUHK Vice-Chancellor Leads Delegation to Beijing


Prof. Rocky Tuan, Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), led a delegation to Beijing on 10 – 13 February to strengthening ties and fostering academic collaboration with government ministries, research organizations and partner institutions in Beijing. In the delegation are such CUHK senior members as Prof. Fok Tai-fai and Prof. Fanny Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellors; Prof. Wong Suk-ying, Associate Vice-President; Prof. Henry Wong, Head of New Asia College and Faculty Dean of Science; Prof. Chan Wai-yee, School Director of Biomedical Sciences; Prof. Raymond Tong, Department Chairman of Biomedical Engineering and Ms. Wing Wong, Director of Academic Links (China). Several agreements were concluded during the visit. Professor Tuan and other CUHK members held dinner gatherings with CUHK's alumni in Beijing and Tianjin.


The delegation visited the State Ministry of Education (MOE), the State Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Peking Union Medical College (CAMSPUMC), Beihang University (BUAA) and China Association for Science and Technology (CAST). CUHK delegates were warmly welcomed and met with leaders including Mr. Chen Baosheng, Minister of Education; Prof. Huang Wei, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology; Prof. Li Jinghai, Director of NSFC and Prof. Xie Xincheng, Deputy Director; Prof. Bai Chunli, President of CAS and Prof. Zhang Jie, Vice President; Prof. Li Xiaohong, Party Secretary of CAE; Prof. Wang Weiguang, President of CASS and Prof. Cai Fang, Vice President; Dr. Shu Wei, Party Secretary of CAST Prof. Xu Huibin, President of BUAA and Prof. Wang Chen, President of CAMSPUMC.


Prof. Tuan introduced CUHK Strategic Plan 2016-2020 and the plan of engaging mainland China in academic links and collaboration during the meetings.   Representatives of various partners also briefed the delegation on the latest developments in science and technology as well as in higher education.  A range of collaboration agreements were also signed and renewed with CAS, CASS, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and BUAA in Beijing to strengthen collaboration in scientific research, comprising such fields as biomedical engineering, humanities and social sciences, stem cell and regenerative medicine, bio-resources and molecular research of common diseases, phytochemistry and plant resources in West China, as well as further studies of undergraduates.  

CUHK has been in close ties with frequent interaction with various universities and research institutes in Beijing since some 30 years ago.  The University has achieved fruitful results with its counterparts in a wide variety of areas including scholar exchange, student interflow, research collaboration and joint programmes. This is Prof. Tuan's first visit to Beijing as Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, which contributed to the consolidation of the University's current collaborative efforts with mainland partners and promoted closer collaboration in different fields.

























Vice-Chancellor Rocky Tuan Attends THE Asia Universities Summit in Shenzhen


Prof. Rocky Tuan, Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), joined the Times Higher Education (THE) Asia Universities Summit held at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTC) in Shenzhen on 5 – 7 February 2018. With the theme of "Connecting cities, changing the world: research universities building Asia", the summit has hosted around 400 delegates, comprising presidents of the world's famous universities and experts of higher education from 33 countries and regions, as well as government officials and representatives of the business sector.


Delegates actively expressed ideas on current hot topics in relation to higher education in Asia and discussed how Asian research universities can shape the future.  At the panel discussion for "Universities sustaining cities in the 21st century", Prof. Tuan said that universities in big cities need to respond to people's needs and promote economic development.  He suggested that the government should work with universities to face the problems and challenges such as aging population, environmental issues and smart society.  The formation of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau University Alliance in 2016 with which CUHK as one of the initiating universities also conduces to the economic and education development of South China, creating more collaboration opportunities.  During his visit to Shenzhen, Prof. Tuan also met with Prof. Lin Jianhua, President of Peking University and Prof. Chen Shiyi, President of SUSTC, to exchange ideas on cooperation and enhance mutual understanding.


The THE Asian Universities Summit is an international event among leaders of the world's higher education institutions, attracting a large number of participants from education, research, industry, government and business sectors each year.  It was the first time for the summit to be convened on the mainland. This year, the Times Higher Education Asian University Rankings 2018 were released during the summit, taking into account of assessment including teaching, research, citations, international outlook and industry income.  There are over 350 universities from 25 countries and regions on the final list where CUHK ranked the seventh.

Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky Tuan (middle at front row) leads a visit to MOST

CUHK delegates visit MOE

CUHK delegates meet with members of NSFC

Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky Tuan (second from left) exchanges ideas of collaboration with Prof. Bai Chunli (second from right), President of CAS

CUHK and CAS sign new collaboration agreements

Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky Tuan (middle) leads a visit to CAE

CUHK delegates visit CASS

Prof. Wang Weiguang (left), President of CASS, presents a commemoration publication of CASS’s 40th Anniversary to Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky Tuan

Representatives of CUHK and CAST pose for a group photo

Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky Tuan and President Xu Huibin of BUAA sign collaboration agreements on behalf of both universities

CUHK delegates visit PUMC

Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky Tuan attends a dinner gathering with Beijing and Tianjin alumni

Hundreds of higher education specialists attend the Summit

Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky Tuan delivers a speech at the Summit

Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky Tuan meets with Prof. Lin Jianhua, President of Peking University

Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky Tuan meets with Prof. Chen Shiyi, President of Southern University of Science and Technology, which hosted the Summit

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