The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jan 03, 2011 Volume 52
Office of Academic Links(China)
2010 CAE Academicians Visit Programme cum Lecture Series Successfully Launched

A 12-member delegation from the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) visited The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) under the 'CAE Academicians Visit Programme 2010' from 15 to 18 December. The delegation included Prof. Yang Shengli, Prof. Zhen Yongsu, Prof. Dai Kerong, and Prof. Wang Hongyang from the Division of Health Engineering, and Prof. Zhang Xingdong from the Division of Chemical, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering.

The delegates were warmly received by CUHK officers including Prof. Joseph Sung, Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Jack Cheng and Prof. Henry Wong, Pro-Vice-Chancellors; Prof. Xu Yangsheng, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor; and relevant faculty members from the Faculties of Medicine, Engineering and Science.


The five academicians delivered public lectures in the 'Lecture Series by Academicians' on 17 December. The theme this year was on translational medicine. The academicians shared their expertise with the audience on the challenges and opportunities of the development in translational medicine in China. About 200 people including academics, researchers and students from CUHK and other universities as well as members from the general public were attracted to join the lectures.


During the programme, the delegation visited the School of Biomedical Sciences and the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of the Faculty of Medicine, and toured the relevant research facilities. The representatives from CUHK and CAE took the opportunity to exchange ideas and explore possibilities for further collaboration.

CAE Academicians Visit Programme was launched by the University in 2008 to promote academic exchange with CAE. Under this programme, four to five CAE academicians are invited to visit CUHK and deliver public lectures for the 'Lecture Series by Academicians' each year. For information about the past programmes, please visit


For information about 2010 CAE Academicians Visit Programme, please visit: Lecture Series by Academicians

Prof. Joseph Sung (ninth from left), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK warmly welcomes the delegation from the Chinese Academy of Engineering

Group photo of guests and CUHK representatives

Prof. Joseph Sung delivers a welcome speech.jpg

Prof. Yang Shengli

Prof. Zhen Yongsu

Prof. Dai Kerong

Prof. Wang Hongyang

Prof. Zhang Xingdong

The delegation visits Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences

The delegation visits the School of Biomedical Sciences

:: Back to This Issue
:: Cross-Strait Presidents Attend the Installation Ceremony of CUHK Vice-Chancellor
:: Visit of Prof. Pan Yunhe, Executive Vice-President of Chinese Academy of Engineering
:: 2010 CAE Academicians Visit Programme cum Lecture Series Successfully Launched
:: Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of High Confidence Software Technologies (Sub-Laboratory, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Established
:: Writers @CUHK
:: Other Important Visits
:: The Latest Academic Exchange Agreements
:: Funding Supported by K. C. Wong Education Foundation (Academic Seminar)

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