The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Feb 04, 2008 Volume 15
Office of Academic Links(China)
Flagship Course on Health Sector Reform and Sustainable Financing for China 2007

The first unique Flagship Course on Health Sector Reform and Sustainable Financing for China was organized jointly by the Chinese Ministry of Health (MOH), World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank Institute (WBI) and the School of Public Health (SPH) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).  The course was held at School of the Public Health from November 26 to December 7, 2007, which attracted more than 30 senior Chinese government officials.

One of the objectives of the course is to teach a set of principles, such as ethics, political analysis, economics and problem diagnosis as well as health policy making, which help training up a new generation of Chinese teachers. Also, it offered an integrated analytical framework for policy makers, which could prepare the Chinese government officials for health sector reform. The course also provided a forum for senior Chinese leaders and international experts to discuss and share their experience with each other, especially on China's health reform issues. Participants got to know more about the organization structure and operating systems after visiting the Hospital Authority headquarter, as well as the Prince of Wales Hospital.


Through the organizing of this Flagship Course, a closer linkage between the four organizing parties has been established, and the lectures were well-received by all participants. More importantly, with the successful Flagship Course organized this year, it helps in improving the Public Health System in China.

:: Back to This Issue
:: Academicians Visitorship Programme
:: Student Achievements in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Exhibition 2007——Harvest of Innovative Thinking and Entrepreneurship
:: Flagship Course on Health Sector Reform and Sustainable Financing for China 2007
:: China Links Seminar 2008: Setting Up Joint Research Units—Experience of Collaboration with Chinese Academy of Sciences
:: Visit by President of Zhejiang University
:: Visit of Delegation from Beijing Normal University
:: Visit of Delegation coordinated by Ministry of Education PRC

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