The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mar 03, 2011 Volume 54
Office of Academic Links(China)
Award Presentation Ceremony of MOE Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award 2010 cum China Links Seminar

The Award Presentation Ceremony of Ministry of Education (MOE) Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award 2010 was held in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on 1 March 2011. Officiating at the Ceremony were Prof. Zhou Jing, Deputy Director-General of the Centre for Science and Technology Development of MOE; Prof. Pan Yonghua, Director General of Education, Science and Technology, Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in HKSAR; Ms. Michelle Li, JP, Deputy Secretary of the Education Bureau of HKSAR; and Mr. Li Nai Yiu, President of Beijing-Hong Kong Academic Exchange Center. 

18 applications from the tertiary institutions in Hong Kong were considered in 2010. Having gone through assessments and evaluations by the MOE, 9 of them were recommended for the awards. Among the 9 awardees, CUHK received 3 Natural Science Awards. The winning projects are: 'Integrative Research on Molecular Basis and Potential Targets for Gastric Cancer' conducted by Prof. Jun Yu, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor and Mok Hing Yiu Professor of Medicine was awarded the 1st Prize; 'Concentration Phenomena in Nonlinear Elliptic Equations and Systems' conducted by Prof. Juncheng Wei, Professor of Mathematics, received the 1st Prize; and 'Cholesterol-lowering and Cardiovascular Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals' conducted by Prof. Zhenyu Chen, Professor, School of Life Sciences, and Prof. Yu Huang, Professor, School of Biomedical Sciences,  received the 2nd Prize. For the projects details, please refer to the press release.


Prof. Zhou Jing, Deputy Director-General of the Centre for Science and Technology Development of the MOE presented the awards at the ceremony. After the award presentation, Prof. Zhou delivered a talk on national science and technology awards for China Links Seminar Series in CUHK. The seminar attracted more than 200 academics from CUHK community and other institutions in Hong Kong.


Prof. Zhou took the opportunity to learn more about the University's recent accomplishments in science and technology before the ceremony. She met with CUHK Vice-Chancellor Prof. Joseph Sung, Pro-Vice-Chancellors Prof. Jack Cheng and Prof. Henry N.C. Wong, CUHK award recipients and representatives from MOE Key Laboratory of High Confidence Software Technologies (Sub-Laboratory, CUHK), CUHK MOE - Microsoft Key Laboratory of Human-Centric Computing and Interface Technologies, and MOE Key Laboratory for Regenerative Medicine. Prof. Zhou was impressed by the research achievements of the University and the major progress of the MOE Key Laboratories. The visit provided a valuable opportunity to exchange ideas and to build up links.

Five CUHK professors receive the Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards from the Ministry of Education (from left): Prof. Juncheng Wei, Prof. Jun Yu, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Prof. Zhenyu Chen and Prof. Yu Huang.

(From left) Pro-Vice-Chancellors Prof. Jack Chun-yiu Cheng, Prof. Henry Nai-ching Wong, Prof. Kenneth Young and Provost Prof. Benjamin W. Wah take a group photo with the five award winners.

Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (left) and Prof. Jun Yu (right) receive their award certificates from Mr. Pan Yonghua, Head of Department of Education, Science and Technology of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR.

Prof. Juncheng Wei (right) receives his award certificate from Mr. Pan Yonghua, Head of Department of Education, Science and Technology of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR.

Prof. Zhenyu Chen (left) and Prof. Yu Huang (right) receive their award certificates from Ms. Li Mei Sheung, Michelle, Deputy Secretary for Education, HKSAR Government.

Prof. Zhou Jing, Deputy Director-General of the Centre for Science and Technology Development delivers a talk on national science and technology awards for China Links Seminar Series in CUHK

A group photo of Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (1st right, 1st row), Vice-Chancellor and Mok Hing Yiu Professor of Medicine, CUHK, and Prof. Jun Yu (1st left, 1st row), Associate Professor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, CUHK, with their research team.

Prof.Sung (right) and Prof. Yu (middle) giving guidance on research work.

Prof. Juncheng Wei (middle) and his research team.

:: Back to This Issue
:: Award Presentation Ceremony of MOE Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award 2010 cum China Links Seminar
:: 2011 CAS Academicians Visit Programme cum Lecture Series Successfully Held
:: Delegation from Fourth Military Medical University
:: Visit of Vice-Presidents from Tertiary Institutions in Fujian
:: CUHK Delegation to Visit Beijing Genomics Institute, Shenzhen
:: The Latest Academic Exchange Agreements

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