The second Writers @CUHK Programme was held in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on 9 May 2011. The programme was co-organized by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of CUHK and the Chinese Writers Press Group with the support from the Office of Academic Links (China) of CUHK. Renowned Chinese writers, Mr. Bi Yufei, and Ms. Xu Xiaobin were invited to the University.
The two writers delivered lectures and shared their views in novel writing with audience on CUHK campus. The lectures attracted about 150 attendees, including academics from CUHK, teachers and students of secondary schools and people from general public. Mr. Bi and Ms Xu also met with representatives from Chinese Department, including Prof. Zhang Jian, Vice-Director of the Department, Prof. Chen Pingyuan, Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, and Prof. Wong Nim Yan, for academic exchange. |
