The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
May 01, 2012 Volume 69
Office of Academic Links(China)
Visit of Vice-President of China Agriculture University

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) warmly received a 3-member delegation led by Prof. Zhang Jian Hua, Vice-President of China Agriculture University on 18 April 2012. The aim of the visit was to understand the development and management of the University Library and college system of CUHK, and to explore possibility for collaboration.  

The delegates met with Prof. Jack Cheng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor to have an overview of the development of CUHK. After the meeting, the delegation had meeting with representatives from University Library, including Ms. Maria Lau, Head of Technical Services Team, and toured the University Library and New Asia Ch'ien Mu Library to obtain more knowledge about the development of CUHK library system. Next Prof. Samuel Sun, Master of S.H.HO College hosted a luncheon and accompanied the guests to tour the College.


China Agriculture University is one of CUHK's key partners on the mainland. The two parties have carried out collaborations in various aspects including student and scholar exchange, visits, and research collaboration. This visit not only enhanced understanding and nurtured friendship, but expanded collaboration in new area between the two parties.

Prof. Jack Cheng (middle), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK meets with Prof. Zhang Jian Hua (2nd from left), Vice-President of China Agriculture

The delegation visits the University Library. The visit is accompanied by Ms. Maria Lau (2nd from left), Head of Technical Services Team of University Library

The delegation visits S.H.HO College. The visit is accompanied by Prof. Samuel Sun (2nd from right), Master of the College

The delegation visits the New Asia Ch'ien Mu Library. The visit is accompanied by Mr. Leo Ma (2nd from left), Librarian of New Asia Ch'ien Mu Library

:: Back to This Issue
:: CUHK Opens Taiwan Research Centre
:: 2012 Academia Sinica Academicians Visit Programme cum Lecture Series Successfully Held
:: Visit of President of Taiwan Cheng Kung University
:: Delegation from Tianjin Municipal Committee
:: Visit of Vice-President of China Agriculture University
:: Joint Research Seminar in Beihang University
:: Delegation of Zhejiang University Visits CUHK
:: Delegation from Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology
:: The 4th Writers @CUHK
:: Other Important Visits
:: Forthcoming Activities
:: The Latest Academic Exchange Agreements

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