The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
May 01, 2014 Volume 95
Office of Academic Links(China)
Incoming Visits

- Visit of Party Secretary of Xiamen University

- Delegation from Taiwan Kinmen County Government

- Other Important Visit



Party Secretary of Xiamen University


A delegation led by Mr. Yang Zhenbin, Chairman of University Council of Xiamen University (XMU) paid visit to the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on 27 March 2014.


Prof. Joseph Sung, Vice Chancellor of CUHK received the delegation and introduced to them the latest developments of the University. The two universities held discussions on specific plans to expand collaboration.


In 2013, Prof. Sung visited XMU to attend the Forum of World Chinese Digestion Summit and renewed the academic exchange agreement between CUHK and XMU. This follow-up visit of Mr. Yang further strengthened the ties between the two universities and forged further development. 



Delegation from Taiwan Kinmen County Government


A delegation led by Mr. Wu You-Qin, Deputy Commissioner of Kinmen County Government visited the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on 1 April 2014. The delegation comprised officials of Kinmen County Government. The visit was accompanied by Ms. Jenny Lu, member of Board of Trustees of Shaw College, representatives from Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, and Taiwan Visitors Association with the purpose to have an economic overview of Hong Kong as well as to understand the development of CUHK.


The delegation was warmly received by Prof. Fanny Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, Mr. Clement Fung, Chairman of Board of Trustees of Shaw College, Prof. Yeung Yue-man, Emeritus Professor of Geography Resource Management, Prof. Sung Yun-wing and Prof. Shen Jianfa of Shanghai-Hong Kong Development Institute. CUHK representatives shared their views on social and economic development of Hong Kong in recent years. Discussions were held on the economic relations among Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The delegation next toured the University Gallery to obtain more information about the history of CUHK.


The visit enhanced understanding and nurtured friendship between CUHK and Kinmen County Government for further collaborations.




- Other Important Visit


- Prof. Ying Yibin, Associate Vice-President of Zhejiang University led a delegation to visit CUHK on 15 April 2014. The delegates met with Prof. Joseph Lau, Master of Lee Woo Sing College and toured the College to obtain more information about its recent developments.


- Prof. Chen Cheng-Chen and Prof. Wing Ip, Vice Presidents of the University System of Taiwan visited CUHK on 25 April 2014. They met with Prof. Gordon Cheung, Associate Vice-President of CUHK to discuss collaboration opportunities. The visit enhanced communication and further bolstered the linkage to scale collaboration project with specific plans.

Visit of the Party Secretary of Xiamen University: Delegation from Xiamen University: Mr. Yang Zhenbin (left), Chairman of University Council of Xiamen University receives a souvenir from Prof. Joseph Sung (right), Vice Chancellor of CUHK

Visit of the Party Secretary of Xiamen University: Delegation from Xiamen University: CUHK representatives welcome the delegation from Xiamen University

Delegation from Taiwan Kinmen County Government: The delegation from Kinmen County Government meets with CUHK representatives

Delegation from Taiwan Kinmen County Government: The delegation from Kinmen County Government meets with CUHK representatives

Delegation from Zhejiang University: Prof. Joseph Lau (left), Master of Lee Woo Sing College presents a souvenir to Prof. Ying Yibin (right), Associate Vice-President of Zhejiang University
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