The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jul 03, 2008 Volume 20
Office of Academic Links(China)
Launch of for Mainland Postgraduate Students Summer Placement Programme at CUHK

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) launched a summer placement programme for the Mainland postgraduate students, which will be held from June 23 to August 2. The programme, coordinated by the Office of Academic Links (China), is aimed at forging research collaboration between the Mainland and Hong Kong, as well as facilitating exchanges between research students of the two places.

27 research students participating in this programme come from CUHK's close Mainland partners including Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Peking University, Fudan University, Zhejiang University, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Students are offered the chance of internship training for 6 weeks on research projects in various departments, including Department of Information Engineering, Department of Physics, Department of Biochemistry, Department of Mathematics, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, Virtual Reality, Visualization and Imaging Research Center, Department of Electronic Engineering, Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management, and Department of Computer Science and Engineering.


Apart from research training, the participants will be arranged to have interflow with postgraduate students of CUHK, and to visit some key research facilities in CUHK. The programme also includes visits to some major public organizations and museums in Hong Kong, such as Hong Kong Science Park, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, and Independent Commission Against Corruption etc.. It is believed that these visits will give the participants a better understanding of Hong Kong and CUHK.

Group photo of the participants of the “Mainland Postgraduate Students Summer Placement Programme” with their supervisors at CUHK

:: Back to This Issue
:: CUHK Discussed Inter-University Exchanges and Collaborations with National Central University, Taiwan
:: Launch of for Mainland Postgraduate Students Summer Placement Programme at CUHK
:: Vice-President of Sun Yat-sen University Visited Faculty of Engineering, CUHK
:: University of Tainan Delegation Visited CUHK
:: Southwest Jiaotong University Delegation visited CUHK

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