Twenty-First Century Bimonthly, Issue 193 (October 2022)

The world-renowned physicist, Nobel prize winner Professor C N Yang, is one of the early founders and editorial board member of the
Twenty-first Century Bimonthly since 1990s. Professor Yang always supports our publication. In this issue, we organized the feature “A Festschrift in Honour of the C N Yang Centenary”, to express our thankfulness to his enthusiastic sposorship and our heartfelt congratulations to him.
The Twenty-First Century ReviewA Festschrift in Honour of the C N Yang Centenary
King Y. C. Ambrose:
Twenty-First Century Bimonthly, C N Yang, and the Twenty-First Century
Hsu Cho-yun: A Bi-Centennial Review: Sino-American Relationship since 1840
Weng J. S. Byron: The Outlook on Sino-American Relations
Lawrence J. Lau: The Prospects of the Chinese Economy
Richard Y. C. Wong: Hong Kong Housing Development: A Review and Outlook
Tsui Lap-chee: Mr C N Yang – A Great Scientist with a Big Heart
Lin Hai-qing: Liu Ren-bao, Wang Jian-fang, Xia Ke-qing, Kenneth Young, and Chu Ming-chung: Professor Yang Chen Ning and the Department of Physics of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Yin Ye: Gazing at the Double Helix of Technology: From the Universal Law to the Origin of Life
Liu Qing-feng and Jin Guan-tao: Mr C N Yang,
Twenty-First Century Bimonthly and Us
Chen Yue-guang and Yin Jie: Never Ceasing to Search, but Always Remaining Human: Mr C N Yang as We Know Him
Chen Fong-ching: Imagining the Future: Whither Human Civilization?
Research ArticlesZhang Yang: The Dual Cultural Cold War: An Analysis of The Asia Foundation’s Program for Aiding Universities in Asia
Hee Wai-siam: “Unattributable Propaganda” in the Cultural Cold War: On the Union Press and the Operating of
Chao Foon in Singapore and Malaysia (1955–1970)
Kenny Ng Kwok-kwan: Cultural Legacies of the Cold War: Chang Kuo-sin and Asia Pictures
Discourses and Peripatetic NotesZhou Lu-yang: Mikhail S. Gorbachev: The Revolutionary Terminator of the Cold War
Book ReviewsXia Ya-feng: A Regional Perspective on the Cold War Studies: A Review on Lorenz M. Lüthi, C
old Wars: Asia, theMiddle East, EuropeZhan Min-xu: A Journey from Forgetting to Remembering: A Review on Wai-Siam Hee,
Remapping the Sinophone:The Cultural Production of Chinese-Language Cinema in Singapore and Malaya before and during the Cold War
Twenty-First Century Bimonthly, Issue 194 (December 2022)

From the beginning of the new century, there was the emergence of science fiction writers and their works in the sinophone world, which coincides with the rapid rise of China’s national power. In the
Twenty-First Century Review, we invited eight well-known writers and critics to give in-depth observations on this new cultural phenomenon.
The Twenty-First Century ReviewScience Fiction in the Sinophone World: “Sinotopia” and “Heterotopia”
Song Ming-wei: Seeing Science Fiction in Hong Kong
Dung Kai-cheung: From “topos tes anomoiotetos” to “regio dissimilitudinis”:
A Reexamination of “Heterotopia”
Han Song: “Sinotopia” at the New Starting Point
Chan Koon-chung: Random Thoughts on Novels about Future Sino-American Wars
Lo Yi-chin: My Kuiper Belt — Science Fiction and Me
Egoyan: Being-towards-death — A Possible Micro Art History
Chen Qiu-fan: From Sci-Fi Realism to Realistic Sci-Fi
Yan Lian-ke: Utopia and Peach Blossom Spring in Liaozhai zhiyi
Research ArticlesLiu Xiao-yuan: “Normalization” of the Chinese-Mongolian Relationship: Tracing the Path of a Political Phenomenon (Part I)
Duan Shi-xiong: The Formation and Evolution of Inner Mongolia’s Unified Administrative Region, 1945–1979 (Part I)
Ge Jun: The Influence of the Chinese Communist Party on the Socialist Unity Party of Germany after the Twentieth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Research NotesWong Siu-lun: Hong Kong 1949: The Nexus between New China and the Chinese Overseas
Review ArticlesLin Hsien-ming: The Local Turn in Migration Study and the Implications of Local Governance in Taiwan and Mainland China
View on the WorldIris Long: “This Is Tomorrow”: Science Fiction as Method
Scholar’s ReminiscencesChen Fong-ching: Meeting at the Intersection of Two Parallel Trajectories: In Memory of Chang Hao
Wang Fan-sen: In Memory of Professor Lin Yu-sheng
Book ReviewsHe Zhi-ming: Power, Property and the Narration of the Land Reform: A Review on Matthew Noellert,
Power overProperty: The Political Economy of Communist Land Reform in ChinaGao Zhi-ming: “Illegal Law Is Still Law”: A Review on Wang Haiguang,
Making a Counterrevolutionary: The Caseof Liu Xingfu and China’s Grassroots Legal System, 1949–1979
For more details, please visit the Twenty-First Century Bimonthly website: