2015 No.1
Jubilant Rams in Chinese Culture: Celebrating the Year of the Ram, Art Museum

The Art Museum, Department of Fine Arts and Department of Chinese Language and Literature jointly present this special exhibition from 6 February to 26 April 2015. The exhibition includes a selection of over 30 paintings, ceramic pieces, carved jade and other gemstones, all of which relate to the ram. Beyond the ram's depiction in classical Chinese literature, the exhibition vividly illustrates the abundant and multi-various artistic representations of the ram's essence throughout Chinese culture. Selected pieces are displayed below. 

Grey pottery lamp in sheep form
Han (206BCE–220AD)
Art Museum Collection
Crouching goat with celadon glaze
Western Jin (265–316)
Jiurutang Collection
Gold saddle fitting with mythical animals
Seventh to ninth century
Mengdiexuan Collection
White jade pendant of ram resting on chrysanthemum base
Ming to Qing (1368–1911)
Xiwenguo Zhai Collection
White jade ram and lambs
Qing (1644–1911)
Muwentang Collection
Vase with flambé glaze
Qing, Qianlong reign (1736–95)
Huaihaitang Collection
Three rams
Ren Yi (1840–95), dated 1878
Hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper
Tianminlou Collection
Ink stone with three sheep design
Nineteenth century
Art Museum Collection

Exhibition period :6 February – 26 April 2015
Exhibition venue :Gallery III, Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Opening hours :Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sundays and public holidays 1:00 – 5:00 pm
Lunar New Year Holidays (18–22 February)
Easter Holidays (3–7 April)


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Chinese Calligraphy as a Choice
Event: 2015 Institute of Chinese Studies Luncheon I – An Academic View of Hong Kong Archaeology
Event: 2015 Institute of Chinese Studies Luncheon II – Guangzhou City Culture from the Qing Dynasty to Republican China
Event: Splendid Images Lecture Series, Art Museum
Event: 'Jubilant Rams in Chinese Culture: Celebrating the Year of the Ram', Lunchtime Gallery Talks, Art Museum
Event: Linguistics Seminar, T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
Event: Writing Chinese Translation History: The Sixth Young Researchers' Conference, Research Centre for Translation
New Publications
Splendid Images Lunchtime Gallery Talks with Live Music – Art Museum
Young Scholars' Forum in Chinese Studies, Institute of Chinese Studies
Conference on Labour, Mobility and Development in the Pearl River Delta and Beyond, Universities Service Centre for China Studies
Simplicity and Splendour: Chinese Furniture from the Ming Dynasty to Early Republican Period, Art Museum
Jubilant Rams in Chinese Culture: Celebrating the Year of the Ram, Art Museum
Editorial Board Committee
Past Issues
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