2017 年 11 月 17 日    第 3期

序 言

(English version only)

Dear students,

The I·CARE Programme is very blessed to have long received staunch support from our patrons in terms of finance and advice.

On 16 November 2017, I (as the representative of the beneficiary) was among a few University officials to thank the alumni, who made donations to the I·CARE Programme through the CUHK Federation of Alumni Associations' Annual Dinner and the CUHK 10K Night Challenge respectively, in the party hosted by the Vice-Chancellor at his residence.  I saw many faces with leniency and optimism there, and have felt the high hopes of these alumni for our students.  Yes - they count on our students to do good to the community.

In fact, this Centre is committed to fostering our students to become well-rounded citizens.  It has already responded, to a certain extent, to our alumni's expectation.  But my goal is more specific.  I think we have to act forthwith to recalibrate our students' values by making them know their "needs" rather than spoiling them with their "wants".  These values are not just limited to the elimination of rapacity and short-sightedness, but also comprise the qualities of respect, empathy, gratitude and hard work.  Our students should interact with people, learn from people, care about people and work for people.

Please join me to achieve the above goal.  The multi-pronged activities of this Centre will help you get started!

Sincerely yours,

Irene Ng
I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development


序 言


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