The "Fun with Cantonese" Book Exhibition and Talk Series, which was organised by the Research Centre for Cantonese, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, CUHK, the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library and co-organised by the T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre, was held at the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library from March to May 2016.
More than 50 books on Cantonese study were exhibited during this Book Exhibition. Six speakers, Professor Stephen Matthews (HKU), Professor John Wakefield (HKBU), Professor Shin Kataoka (HKIEd), Dr. Au Yeung Wai Hoo Ben (CUHK), Professor Tang Sze Wing (CUHK) and Professor Fan Sin Piu (CUHK), were invited to give talks on different topics related to Cantonese. For a summary of the Talk Series, please see the Chinese version, visit "Cafe Lingua" on WeChat or visit the links below:
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