二○一七年 第一期
  • 中國文化研究所《中國文化研究所學報》(2017)
  • 當代中國文化研究中心《二十一世紀》,2017年2月號,第159期
  • 翻譯研究中心 Renditions Paperbacks Tales from the Top
  • 翻譯研究中心 Renditions Paperbacks Xu Zhimo: Selected Poems
  • 中國考古藝術研究中心《盱古衡今──鄭德坤教授百十誕辰紀念》
  • 文物館《明代女畫家李因繪畫展》




論 文 (附英文摘要)
Monetary Policy as Key to State Authority and Income in Tang ChinaTan Mei Ah
明萬曆年間儒士劉元卿的出處考量與其《大學新編》的編撰用意林 展
Images of a Free World Made in Hong Kong: The Case of the Four Seas Pictorial (1951–1956)Wang Meihsiang
書 評
Buried Ideas: Legends of Abdication and Ideal Government in Early Chinese Bamboo-Slip Manuscripts. By Sarah AllanScott Cook
Traces of Grand Peace: Classics and State Activism in Imperial China. By Jaeyoon SongAnthony DeBlasi
Daoism, Meditation, and the Wonders of Serenity: From the Latter Han Dynasty (25–220) to the Tang Dynasty (618–907). By Stephen EskildsenPaul van Enckevort
The Rise and Fall of a Public Debt Market in 16th-Century China: The Story of the Ming Salt Certificate. By Wing-kin PukUlrich Theobald
The Shenzi Fragments: A Philosophical Analysis and Translation. By Eirik Lang HarrisPaul R. Goldin
Luxuriant Gems of the Spring and Autumn. Attributed to Dong Zhongshu. Edited and translated by Sarah A. Queen and John S. MajorMichael Loewe
Patrons and Patriarchs: Regional Rulers and Chan Monks during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. By Benjamin BroseAlbert Welter
Quest for Power: European Imperialism and the Making of Chinese Statecraft. By Stephen R. Halsey何漢威
Demonic Warfare: Daoism, Territorial Networks, and the History of a Ming Novel. By Mark R. E. Meulenbeld黎志添
After the Prosperous Age: State and Elites in Early Nineteenth-Century Suzhou. By Seunghyun HanMichael Marmé






  1. 黃江軍:〈「覺悟」女性的自我書寫:以1930年代的《女子月刊》為中心〉
  2. 滿 永:〈身份的恐懼──安徽省阜陽地區土改中的自殺現象〉
  3. 夏 林:〈轉型時期的公共衞生與社會管理──以煤礦業結核病防治為例〉
  4. 項 飆:〈正規化的糾結:北京「浙江村」和中國社會二十年來的變化〉



翻譯研究中心 Renditions Paperbacks Tales from the Top

Tales from the Top, Edited and Translated by David E. Pollard. Ji Xiaolan, the teller of these tales, was arguably the best read mandarin in the Chinese empire of the late eighteenth century, having edited the Descriptive Catalogue to the imperial library of the Chinese written heritage, a task that took him eight years. Since in later life he held high office and was close to the Qianlong emperor, his tales really were from the top. They conform to a well-established type of literature called biji xiaoshuo, short sketches that record remarkable episodes or events, in his case mostly to do with the supernatural. The tales were gathered from a multiplicity of informants, so reflect a wide variety of views and outlooks. Together they weave a tapestry of daily life in a semi-feudal society, with some high drama as embroidery.

Ji Xiaolan's own take on the supernatural element ranges from healthily sceptical to disarmingly credulous, depending on the point he wants to make or moral position to uphold. But throughout there is ample evidence of his legendary wit.

This Renditions Paperback is a companion volume to David Pollard's Real Life in China at the Height of Empire: Revealed by the Ghosts of Ji Xiaolan, Chinese University Press, 2014.

翻譯研究中心 Renditions Paperbacks Xu Zhimo: Selected Poems

Xu Zhimo: Selected Poems, edited by Mary M. Y. Fung; translated by Mary M. Y. Fung and David Lunde. Xu Zhimo (1897–1931) was the best-known poet of the early period of the New Poetry in China, not only for his beautiful, melodious poetry but also his tempestuous love affairs and tragic death. He championed English Romanticism and the cultivation of the Romantic self. His introducing poems by Thomas Hardy, Keats, and Shelley and their various metrical forms, experimenting with verse forms and fusing them with his expert control of the vernacular language, combining elements of English and classical Chinese, broadening the subject matter and treatment of themes, are lasting contributions to modern Chinese poetry. The fifty poems selected here are characteristic of Xu's style, displaying his efforts at innovation. This anthology of English translations of Xu's poems, the first of its kind, published on the one hundred and twentieth anniversary of his birth, is a tribute to the poet and celebrates his important and pioneering position in the development of modern Chinese poetry.





