2017 No.1
Event: CUHK–Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Asia-Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies (APC) Public Lecture by APC Visiting Scholar 2017: "Mutual Rescue? Republican China's Visual Fascination and Ethnic Images of the Northwest in the 1930s"

CCK–APC launched the APC Visiting Scholar Scheme in 2015 to bring renowned scholars in East Asian studies to visit CUHK and give public lectures on Chinese Studies in Southeast Asia. This year, Professor Kwai-cheung Lo of Hong Kong Baptist University was invited to be the APC Visiting Scholar. On 16 February 2017, Professor Lo gave a public lecture called "Mutual Rescue? Republican China's Visual Fascination and Ethnic Images of the Northwest in the 1930s" in which he shared his recent research findings with staff and students of CUHK.

Lo Kwai-cheung is a Professor at the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing and the Director of the Creative and Professional Writing Program at Hong Kong Baptist University. He is the author of Excess and Masculinity in Asian Cultural Productions (State University of New York Press, 2010) and Chinese Face/Off: The Transnational Popular Culture of Hong Kong (University of Illinois Press, 2005) and the editor of a Chinese-language anthology entitled Re-Sighting Asia: Deconstruction and Reinvention in the Global Era (Chinese University Press, 2014). A creative writer in Chinese language, he is currently working on a book on ethnic minority cinema in China and a research project on Asianism.

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Interview with Professor John Lagerwey: "My Teaching and Research in Chinese Studies at CUHK"
Event: 2017 ICS Luncheon I: "Life Cultivation with the Notion of Harmony between Nature and Human"
Event: ICS 50th Anniversary Celebration Activities Highlights
Event: CUHK–Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Asia-Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies (APC) Public Lecture by APC Visiting Scholar 2017: "Mutual Rescue? Republican China's Visual Fascination and Ethnic Images of the Northwest in the 1930s"
Event: 'Writing Chinese Translation History', Seventh Young Researchers' Conference On Chinese Translation Studies, Research Centre for Translation
Event: Opening Ceremony and Public Lectures of "Her Distinguished Brushwork: An Exhibition Featuring Paintings by the Seventeenth Century Artist Li Yin", Art Museum
Event: Documentary Film Series co-organised by the Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture and the Universities Service Centre for China Studies
Event: Linguistics Seminars Organised by the T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre of the Institute of Chinese Studies
New publications
Amazing Clay: The Ceramic Collection of the Art Museum (1 April 2016 – 28 May 2017)
Young Scholars' Forum in Chinese Studies 2017, jointly organised by CUHK–Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Asia-Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies and ICS (25–27 May)
Maritime Silk Road Suite, jointly organised by the T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre, the Institute of Chinese Studies and the Department of Chinese Language and Literature (27 March–30 April)
Editorial Board Committee
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