Implementation of CUPIS Technology Stack Upgrade Project
The CUHK Personnel Information System (CUPIS) was launched on April 1, 2016, serving as the University’s integrated system platform on HR and Payroll matters for over 7 years. To keep pace with the latest technology deployed by the solution provider, the CUPIS Project Team is currently implementing a comprehensive CUPIS Technology Stack Upgrade Project (the Upgrade), encompassing both the hardware and software components.
CUPIS Service Suspension (Blackout) Period
The upgrade process entails switching the current computer platform over to a new one with the latest technology. In this connection, CUPIS services will be temporarily suspended to enable the switchover. The period of service suspension is scheduled around the Christmas holidays to reduce the number of affected working days:
- Blackout Period
1:00 pm, December 22, 2023 (Friday) – 11:59 pm, December 27, 2023 (Wednesday)
- Suspension of CUPIS Functions:
Login will be disabled. ALL functions will be suspended.
- Points to Note:
- Users are advised to perform all necessary actions in CUPIS before the service suspension in respect of scheduled/anticipated tasks, e.g. checking the payslip of December payroll, raising and approving the absence requests; uploading working hours for Part-time, Over-time and Student Helper payments; approving performance documents [Note], etc.
- Alternative operational arrangements will be separately provided to the Chief Administrator(s) and/or Functional Administrator(s) for handling unexpected/urgent matters during the blackout period as necessary.
Launch of the New System Platform
The new CUPIS system platform is targeted to be in place for operation starting from December 28, 2023 (Thursday). An email announcement regarding the launch of the new CUPIS platform will be sent to the University community accordingly.
Enhancement after the Upgrade
While the Upgrade is primarily on the technical side, several enhancements to user experience are anticipated, which include:
- Improved access security and system responses
- Re-introduction of a “Search” box at the top of each page (which allows searching by key words on both the function menu and data records)
- Touch-ups to user interfaces
Information and Enquiries
Information pertaining to the CUPIS Upgrade Project can be found on the CUPIS Homepage. Colleagues are also welcome to contact us for information and support through the online CUPIS Helpdesk or by sending us an email at
Note: Please refer to User Manual by CUPIS Functions for details of CUPIS functions.
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