當代中國文化研究中心《二十一世紀》2020 年6月號,第179期
本期「二十一世紀評論」專題是「韋伯逝世百周年」。韋伯(1864–1920)是現代社會學的奠基人物。《二十一世紀》邀請三位學者撰文反思韋伯學說的當代意義, _向這位社會學大師致敬:
洪鎌德 韋伯國家觀的評析
楊尚儒 韋伯精英民主論對當代中國的啟示
郭 志 《新教倫理與資本主義精神》的當代意義
谷繼坤 1920年代後期的蘇蒙關係——以「雷斯庫洛夫事件」為中心
白 林 大國博弈的產物:1945年外蒙古獨立公投探微
劉曉原 中蒙劃界史迹初探(上)——「同志加兄弟」的博弈
郝江東 析論抗日戰爭後東北抗聯史研究的特徵與走向
今年是中國抗日戰爭勝利七十五周年,「研究筆記」欄目翻譯轉載方德萬教授(Hans van de Ven)新近刊出的研究論文〈戰時日常性:戰場以外的中國第二次世界大戰〉,以誌紀念。
當代中國文化研究中心《二十一世紀》2020 年8月號,第180期
姚 洋 「去中國化」和中國的應對
朱嘉明 新冠肺炎疫情如何改變社會成本觀念和結構
尹淑鉉 人權與民主的變奏——五四運動前後民權概念的演變
劉曉原 中蒙劃界史迹初探(下)——從兄弟到鄰居
計迎春 「馬賽克家庭主義」——從女兒養老看中國家庭制度變遷
郭 輝 雙重立法者——全國人大黨組織在立法中的角色
- 魏廷冀:漢語分裂問句
- 汪昌松、鄭明明:句法——形態接口視域下的漢語受事主語句研究
- 謝珠:漢語普通話的兩種動詞重疊
期刊由Sciendo(原De Gruyter Open)以開放取用形式發行,文章可以從吳多泰中國語文研究中心的網頁下載:http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ics/clrc/。
《中國語文通訊》第99卷第1期(第二十二屆國際粵方言研討會特刊)已經出版。本期刊載十一篇文章,全文可以從吳多泰中國語文研究中心的網頁下載: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ics/clrc/。
Benjamin K. Tsou: From “Ding1Dong1” to “Ding4Ling1Dong4Long4”: Reflections on Yue-Cantonese Quadra-syllabic Expressions
Giorgio (Georg) Orlandi: The Reconstruction of Proto-Yue Vowel System: An Improvement of Huang’s System (2009)
Tommy Tsz-Ming Lee: Defending the Notion of Defocus in Cantonese
翻譯研究中心《譯叢》第93 期(2020 年春刊) (English version only)
Renditions no. 93 features an eclectic mix of works by important figures in Chinese literary and cultural history or by contemporary prize-winning authors. Highlights include portions of Wang Tao’s 王韜 diaries that record his journey to Hangzhou in 1858, and Ge Fei’s 格非 fiction ‘Oyster Shells’ 蚌殼, an imaginative tour de force that unfolds considerably psychological complexity
Li Shangyin The Brocade Zither. Translated by Xiang Liu
Ma Zhiyuan Autumn Thoughts, to the Tune of ‘Sky Pure Sand’. Translated by Xiang Liu
Wang Tao Wang Tao’s Diary: excerpts. Translated by Sebastian Eicher
Lin Shu Reading the Biographies of Exemplary Women. Translated by César Guarde-Paz
Lu Xun On Moustaches. Translated by Peter Witherington
Kang Youwei Lectures on the Heavens: Chapter Eleven, Treatise on God. Translated by Zhaoyuan Wan and Patrick Swire
Liang Yuchun About Vagabonds. Translated by Lifeng Ouyang
Ge Fei Oyster Shells. Translated by Andrew F. Jones
Xie Hong A Romance. Translated by Jicheng Sun and Hal Swindall
Zhang Wei The Story of Ah Yah. Translated by Dongwei Chu
Yuan Changming Ten Poems. Translated by the poet
本書為展覽「香港印象」同名圖錄,收錄中大文物館藏1940–1970 年代香港風景畫作92 幀、彩色幻燈片40 張。書中亦收錄倫敦大學亞非學院陳蓓博士和獨立研究員丁穎茵博士撰寫之專題文章,另有陳蓓博士、丁穎茵博士及中大文物館姚進莊教授、陳冠男博士撰寫之作品說明。全書以彩色精印,中英雙語,附作品之題跋印記釋文。
陳 蓓 香港印象:現代旅遊與香港風景的視覺呈現
丁穎茵 太平山的觀看與想像
香港印象:1950 年代兩位美國軍官留影
王宏志 主編
徐光台 明末耶穌會士翻譯西方自然知識語詞的調適與轉換:以《崇禎曆書》與《重刻曆體略》中的「恒星」為例
王宏志 馬戛爾尼使團的譯員
葉靄雲 「消失」的譯員:通事阿周與嘉道時期廣州十三行的困局
唐欣玉 「乞靈於異族」:張坤德翻譯活動研究
沈國威 赫胥黎在日本
黃克武 天演與佛法:《天演論》對清末民初佛學思想的衝擊
趙家琦 翻譯中國.再現「五四」:張愛玲的文化翻譯及其“Stale Mates”的現代中國書寫
傅 熊 著 / 陳媛媛 譯 費之邁 (1808–1887) 和他的中國詩歌翻譯
翻譯研究中心My City: a hongkong story
By Xi Xi Translated by Eva Hung
Xi Xi 西西 _is Hong Kong’s foremost woman writer, and My City: a hongkong story 我城 is one of her best novels. Written in the 1970s, My City presents life in this vibrant city through the eyes of its young protagonists, onto whom the author has projected various facets of her personality and vision. The novel is also notable for Xi Xi’s experimentation with the Chinese language: she creates a deceptively childlike narrative—rare in Chinese fiction—which allows her to weave a variety of linguistic registers into a fresh tapestry rich in local colour. Seldom has a writer captured the spirit of a generation with such apparent simplicity and ease.
Xi Xi, pen-name of Zhang Yan 張彥, was born in Shanghai in 1938 and came to Hong Kong with her family in 1950. She was first a primary school teacher before starting to write full-time in the mid–1980s. A prolific writer covering a variety of genres, she is equally at home in poetry, fiction, the occasional essay, translation, film review, and art criticism.
Eva Hung, the translator, was born and educated in Hong Kong. She received her B.A. and M.Phil. degrees in translation from the University of Hong Kong and her Ph.D. from the University of London.
This translation is first published in 1993 and reprinted in 2020.