
The College congratulates our members on receiving the following awards for their outstanding achievements:

Committee of Overseers
Dr WONG Chung-kiu, BBS, MH, member of the Committee of Overseers, was awarded a Bronze Bauhinia Star (BBS) in 2023.
Dr WONG was awarded the BBS in recognition of his notable contributions to advising the Government on technological development in many areas. As an accomplished technologist, he spares no effort in nurturing talents, enhancing the interest of the younger generation in information and communications technology, and promoting the industry's local development.
Dr WONG has since become the Chair of the Committee of Overseers.
(Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases)
College Affiliates
Prof Owen KO, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine & Therapeutics and Assistant Dean (Research) of the Faculty of Medicine has been named among the Ten Outstanding Young Persons 2023.
Prof SUN Jin, Assistant Professor of Sociology, has received the 2023 Distinguished Article Award from the Section on Political Economy of the World System and the 2023 Granovetter Best Article Award (Honorable Mention) from the Section on Economic Sociology. These two ASA (American Sociological Association) awards commend the remarkable theoretical contribution and empirical depth of the 2022 AJS (American Journal of Sociology) article co-authored by Prof SUN and Prof Grégoire MALLARD.
Prof Thomas CHUNG Wang-leung, Associate Professor in the School of Architecture and his team have won two HKIA Annual Awards 2022/23, presented by the Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA), for Project Plum Grove: Revitalising Mui Tsz Lam with Experimental Restorations. The project won the President's Special Prize and the HKIA Special Award – Architectural Installation, Curation & Exhibition Design.
Prof NG Wai Lung Billy, Assistant Professor, School of Pharmacy and his research team have recently been awarded a grant of HKD two million under the Pandemic Antiviral Discovery global initiative supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Novo Nordisk Foundation and Open Philanthropy, to help ensure the world is better prepared for future pandemics. Prof NG's team is the first awardee from Hong Kong in the programme.
Professor TAI Pui Kuen Amos, Associate Professor of Earth System Science, has been awarded the Science Faculty Young Researcher Award 2022, in recognition of his exceptional research and remarkable accomplishments. The Award is established to encourage and celebrate outstanding research, as evidenced through publications, patents, or other forms of recognised scholarly achievements by researchers under the age of 45.
Students/ Alumni
‘Literary CUHK’ Essay Competition
One student received a Merit Award in the eighth ‘Literary CUHK’ essay competition (2022–23) organised by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature.


Programme and Year of Study


Winning Essay


Psychology (Year 2)



Tseung Kwan O Dragon Boat Competition 2023
Ms FONG Sau Nam, Jasmine (Psychology/Year 2) is a member of the CUHK Dragon Boat Team which earned the second runner-up position in the Gold Cup (the highest category) at the Tseung Kwan O Dragon Boat Competition.
Croucher Scholarship Recipient
Mr CHAN Ho Sang, Leon (Physics/Class of 2021), who had won multiple scholarships at CWC, has received a Croucher Scholarship for his PhD studies at the University of Colorado Boulder.
CUHK Vice-Chancellor's Scholarships for Excellence and Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2024 Recipients
Ms Valerie Tanya CHAN (Biomedical Sciences/Year 2) received the CUHK Vice-Chancellor's Scholarships for Excellence 2022/23, awarded on the basis of excellent academic achievements at entrance, academic results at CUHK, communications skills and track record of distinguished leadership and non-academic performance. She was also awarded an Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2024 by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group (HKFYG). 
Ms CHEUNG Hoi Shan (Medicine/Year 4) was likewise awarded an Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2024.
CW Chu College students account for two out of 25 such scholarships awarded across Hong Kong for this cycle.

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