2016 No.2
New Publications
  • Liangzhu Jades: Essays on Prehistoric Jade Technologies in China, Centre for Chinese Archaeology and Art
  • Studies in Chinese Linguistics (Volume 37 Number 1), T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
  • Twenty-First Century Bimonthly, Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture
  • Collected Papers on Yan Shigu's Commentary on the Classics and the Histories, D.C. Lau Research Centre for Chinese Ancient Texts
  • Renditions No. 85 (Spring 2016), Research Centre for Translation 

Liangzhu Jades: Essays on Prehistoric Jade Technologies in China, Centre for Chinese Archaeology and Art

See Chinese version.

Studies in Chinese Linguistics (Volume 37 Number 1), T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre

Studies in Chinese Linguistics (Volume 37 Number 1) was released. There are three articles in this issue:

  1. Richard S. Kayne: "The Silence of Heads"
  2. Feng-Hsi Liu: "Syntactic Sources of Adjectives in Mandarin Chinese"
  3. Niina Ning Zhang: "Understanding S-Selection"

PDF copies of these articles can be downloaded at http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ics/clrc/.

Twenty-First Century Bimonthly, Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture

Twenty-First Century Bimonthly (Issue 154, April 2016) has been published. The topic of the current Twenty-First Century Review is "Taiwan's Election: Towards a More Open Democratic Society". Professor Chen Fang-ming contributed the article "The Third Party Rotation Experienced in Taiwan's Politics". Five research articles are also included in this issue:

  1. Chou Kuei-tien,  Hsu Chien-ming: "Confronting the Challenges of World Risk Society: In Memory of Ulrich Beck on the First Anniversary of His Death"
  2. Chang Kai: "Two Forces and Two Paths in the Transition towards Collective Labour Relations in China"
  3. Zhang Ying-jin: "Subjectivity and Discourse in Academia: Debating Chinese-Language Cinema"
  4. Wang Ke: "Religion and War: The Discursive Construction of 'the Islamic Circle' in Japan during the 1930s"
  5. Shen Zhi-hua: "Kim Il-sung Reaches the Apex of Power: Dealing with the Joint Sino-Soviet Intervention"

The topic of Twenty-First Century Bimonthly (Issue 155, June 2016) is "The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Cultural Revolution". Four research articles are included.

  1. Li Xun: "The Evolution of the Paris Commune Principle in China's Cultural Revolution"
  2. Fan Jian-zheng, Dong Guo-qiang: "The 'Black Materials' Incident at Fudan University during the Early Cultural Revolution"
  3. Wang Fang: "Bureaucratic Faction Politics and the Formation of Mass Organisations in the Cultural Revolution: A Case Study of Shanghai Diesel Engine Factory (1966-1967)"
  4. Yan Fei: "Collective Violence within Political Movements: Unnatural Deaths during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)"

"Cannibalism in Guangxi Province during the Cultural Revolution" by Professor Song Yong-yi, which is also related to the Cultural Revolution (California State University, Los Angeles), is introduced in the Research Notes.

The topic for the current Twenty-First Century Review is "Significance of the First World War and Chinese Workers on the Western Front in World History", which was contributed by Professor Xu Guo-qi (History Department, the University of Hong Kong).

For the content of the latest issue, please visit the Twenty-First Century Bimonthly website: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ics/21c/.

Collected Papers on Yan Shigu's Commentary on the Classics and the Histories, D.C. Lau Research Centre for Chinese Ancient Texts

The 38th title of The CHANT Series, Collected Papers on Yan Shigu's Commentary on the Classics and the Histories, authored by Professor Poon Ming Kay, was published by the D. C. Lau Research Centre for Chinese Ancient Texts in June 2016. Yan Shigu wrote Yanshi ziyang and Kuangmiu zhengsu, commented on Hanshu and Jijiu pian, and edited Wujing zhengyi and Suishu. However, most scholars regarded him solely as a commentator of the Hanshu and emphasized his historical works. His contribution to the study of the Classics and standard characters was very much neglected. In this book, through examining Yan's annotations, the author shows the relationship between Yan's glosses and the study of the Classics in the Tang period. He also discusses Yan's study of standard characters. And last, he sheds light on the influence of Yan's annotations on other Tang historical commentators.

Renditions No. 85 (Spring 2016), Research Centre for Translation

Renditions No. 85 (Spring 2016) is devoted to narratives covering a wide scope of Chinese history. We begin with Erik Honobe's translation of chapter five from Feng Menglong's 馮夢龍 17th-century historical novel, Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou Kingdoms. We follow with Ellen Soulliere's translation of the official biographies of the first six empresses of the Ming dynasty as recorded in the Mingshi 明史 (History of the Ming Dynasty). From these earlier works, we move to the modern period with three short stories: "In Ninety-nine Degrees of Heat", written by the multitalented mid-20th-century woman of letters Lin Huiyin 林徽因 and translated by Yaohua Shi and Judith M. Amory. This is followed by two elegant translations by Dongwei Chu: Xiu Bai's 修白 "The Innermost Rebellion" , a plaintive look back at China's time of troubles in the 1960s and its aftermath, and Su Tong's 蘇童 elegant and playful look at the same period, "Fish of the People". This issue ends with another excerpt from John Balcom's fine translation of Chi Pang-yuan's 齊邦媛 extraordinary autobiography, The Great Flowing River.

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Interview with Professor Yuan Xingpei
Young Scholars' Forum in Chinese Studies 2016, jointly organised by ICS and CUHK–Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Asia-Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies (APC)
Event: 2016 Institute of Chinese Studies Luncheon II: "Evolution of Western Geography: The cultural and historical origins of the Age of Discovery in the 16th century"
Event: 2016 Institute of Chinese Studies Luncheon III: "Imagining the Entitled Middle-class Self in the Global City: Guo Jingming's Tiny Times and the New Shanghainese"
Event: CUHK–Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Asia-Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies (APC) Public Lecture by Professor Ho Hon-wai
Event:《良渚玉工》學術成果發布會暨良渚文化玉器與中國古代玉器工藝學術座談會, co-organised by Centre for Chinese Archaeology and Art
Event:「玉器與王權誕生」研討會, co-organised by Centre for Chinese Archaeology and Art
Event: Ancient Chinese Scripts Workshop and Ancient Chinese Scripts Family Workshop, Art Museum
Event: "Fun with Cantonese" Book Exhibition and Talk Series, T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
Event: Academic Events, T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
Event: Academic Lectures, Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture
Event: Documentary Screening Series, Co-organised by Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture and Universities Service Centre for China Studies
New Publications
Exhibition: Amazing Clay: The Ceramic Collection of the Art Museum (From 1 April 2016)
"Amazing Clay: The Ceramic Collection of the Art Museum" Lecture Series, Art Museum
Editorial Board Committee
Past Issues
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