![](http://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/enewsasp/Photo/11851/31089.jpg) (左起)中大文物館館長姚進莊教授、中大文物館諮詢委員會主席莫華釗先生、故宮博物院離退人員服務處處長祁耀嵐女士、香港中文大學協理副校長王淑英教授、中大中國文化研究所所長梁元生教授、中大藝術系系主任莫家良教授及策展人李蘊詩博士主持剪綵儀式。
The opening ceremony of the exhibition "Her Distinguished Brushwork: An Exhibition Featuring Paintings by the Seventeenth Century Artist Li Yin" was held on 13 January 2017 (Friday). The officiating guests included Professor Wong Suk-ying, Associate Vice-President of CUHK; Ms Qi Yaolan, Director of Retirement Services, the Palace Museum; Mr Christopher Mok, Chairman, Advisory Committee of the Art Museum; Professor Leung Yuen-sang, Director of the Institute of Chinese Studies; Professor Harold Mok, Chairman of the Department of Fine Arts; Professor Josh Yiu, Director of the Art Museum; and Dr Sylvia W. S. Lee, Curator. ![](http://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/enewsasp/Photo/11851/2238.jpg) 中大文物館館長姚進莊教授致辭。
| ![](http://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/enewsasp/Photo/11851/70981.jpg) 策展人李蘊詩博士介紹展覽精粹。
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To complement the exhibition "Her Distinguished Brushwork: An Exhibition Featuring Paintings by the Seventeenth Century Artist Li Yin", the Art Museum organised two public lectures on 14 January 2017. Guest speakers included Ms Li Shi from Palace Museum and Ms Huang Peng from Shanghai Museum. Their lectures attracted about 100 attendees. ![](http://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/enewsasp/Photo/11851/99457.jpg)