2022 Jan | Volume 187

Highlight: What Fraud CUHKers Could Have Met

There is a slang in Hong Kong that “fraudsters’ swindles are always evolving” (「騙徒的手法層出不窮」). You could have also met them in CUHK. Here are some previous scams that some of us might have fallen victim to.

  1. Emails impersonating your peers, colleagues or superiors (See Figure 1).
  2. Emails and websites impersonating the department page you often visit (See Figure 2).
  3. Messages attaching files with viruses (See Figure 3).

While observing the criminal tactics, ITSC has also implemented different measures or solutions to protect you from the frauds. They include

  1. Email Protection Solution, blocking out over 800 thousands of phishing emails last year
  2. Confidential Data Protection Solution, letting staff label and restrict confidential data accessible by the designated CUHK recipients.
  3. Mock Phishing Exercise, raising user awareness by testing one’s ability to identify phishing emails.
  4. 2-factor Authentication, an additional account protection which the user can be alerted of hacking and can deny unauthorized access.
  5. Phishing Alert, announcing at ITSC Homepage.

Though with the security measures enhanced, the criminal would also have their deception more advanced. Please

  1. Ensure you know how to identify a phishing email or website (see our guidelines)
  2. Clarify with your department or ITSC if you suspect the email or website legitimacy
  3. Apply the security solutions available in CUHK

Be smart and be safe!

Figure 1 Fake Emails Impersonating Colleagues Could Start with a Casual Message and Asked for monetary favor in the following messages   

Figure 2 There Were Fake Emails and Website Impersonating the Official Department

Figure 3 Emails Claimed themselves Important and Attaching Documents with Virus Luring one to Open

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