2019 No.1
New Publications
  • 中國考古藝術研究中心《牙璋與國家起源》(只限中文版)
  • 中國考古藝術研究中心《哈民玉器研究》(只限中文版)
  • Twenty-First Century Bimonthly (Issue 171, February 2019).
  • Sincere Brush: Works of Ting Yin-yung Courtesy of His Students and Friends in the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK
  • For Blessings and Guidance: The Qianlong Emperor's Design for State Sacrificial Vessels

因緣際會,本書作者從 1990 年發掘出土香港大灣牙璋起,在過去二十多年間,為探索牙璋的起源,走過漫漫的長路。二十 世紀 90 年代末,作者更參與越南北部馮原文化相關遺址的田野工作,先後發掘了海防長睛及富壽 Xom Ren 遺址。前者是越南北部沿海青銅時代規模最宏大的玉器作坊;後者是紅河三角洲中出土牙璋最多的遺址。在國內,近二十年間作者多次前往黃河流域、長江流域及東南閩粵沿海各地的考古研究所及博物館,直接全面地收集有關出土牙璋的相關資料。


Twenty-First Century Bimonthly (Issue 171, February 2019).
The theme for the current issue of Twenty-First Century Review is "A Review of the Chinese Socialist Economy in Transition". Two essays were published, namely "Critical Historical Moment and Initial Institutional Difference: A Comparative Study of the Economic Transition of China and Soviet Union" by Tao Ran and Su Fu-bing and "China Confronts Neoliberal Globalization: Understanding the Dynamics of Reform and Opening Up" by Dic Lo.
The four research articles in this issue are solid and well-documented historical case studies.
"'Tug of War': Political Will and Rural Tradition Embodied in the Drama Movement of the Taihang Anti-Japanese Base Area" by Dong Yi-xi
"From the Yangtze River Floods to the Great Famine: Disasters Relief in Wuwei County of Anhui Province (1954–1961)" by Liu Shi-gu
"Interactions between the Third Front Factories and Rural Society: The Case of Shanghai" by Chen Xi
"The Remolding of the 'Four Elements': A Case Study of Guangming Commune in Huangyan County of Zhejiang Province" by Pan Xue-fang
For the issue's content, please visit: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ics/21c/.

Sincere Brush: Works of Ting Yin-yung Courtesy of His Students and Friends in the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK
This catalogue features a selection of 107 works of Mr. Ting Yin-yung donated to the Art Museum by the artist's students and friends in the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK, as well as 11 treasured pieces on loan for the exhibition. Most of the works have been hitherto unpublished. It also includes essays by Prof. Lee Yun-woon, former chairman of the Department of Fine Arts; Mr. Tsui Chi-yu, one of the donors; and Dr. Phil Chan from the Museum. "Footprint of Ting Yin-yung in Hong Kong" and "Signatures of Ting Yin-yung" are also offered in this publication.

For Blessings and Guidance: The Qianlong Emperor's Design for State Sacrificial Vessels
This bilingual catalogue with full-colour illustrations is published in conjunction with the exhibition "For Blessings and Guidance: The Qianlong Emperor's Design for State Sacrificial Vessels" and edited by Dr. Iain Clark.

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Academic reflection: 網絡理論、情節分析︰從侶倫《窮巷》電影劇本出土說起
Event: The Life of Guangzhou Gentry on the Eve of the First Opium War—A Study of Xie Lansheng's Changxingxingzhai Diary 常惺惺齋日記
Event: "For Blessings and Guidance: The Qianlong Emperor's Design for State Sacrificial Vessels" opening ceremony, Art Museum
Event: Ancient Chinese Gold Techniques Lecture Series, Art Museum
Event: "Jewels of Transcendence" Lecture Series, Art Museum
Event: "Jewels of Transcendence" Special Tour, Art Museum
Event: Fai Chun Writing to Celebrate Chinese New Year, Art Museum
Event: Life and Arts in Pre-Modern China, Art Museum
Event: "For Blessings and Guidance" Symposium , Art Museum
Event: Opening Ceremony of "Strokes of Wonder: Figure Painting by Ren Bonian from the National Art Museum of China", Art Museum
Event: Xuanhuitang Lecture Series, Art Museum
Event: Linguistics Seminars and the 11th Cross-Strait Symposium on Modern Chinese Language, T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
Event: Greater Bay Area Chinese Forum: The First Gathering of Representatives of Chinese Departments in the Region, T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
Event: The 15th Graduate Seminar on China, Universities Service Centre for China Studies
Event: Academic Seminars, Universities Service Centre for China Studies
Event: Documentary Screening Series, Universities Service Centre for China Studies
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