2018 年 4 月 29 日    第 8期

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(English version only)

Dear students,

The season of examinations has recently started in this city. International public exams, school mock exams and university final exams, etc. are descending like an avalanche upon students.  Being current candidates, you may feel very excited that your depth of learning would soon be gauged or you have been tensed up by the loads of review time and tasks.  At any rate, dealing with examinations is just a phase of your life. More episodes displaying all sorts of joys and sorrows will come.  Meanwhile, the most important thing is to give yourself a burst of applause for your participation in what you are required to do at this stage and in your position.  Carpe diem!

The Harvard's groundbreaking course Positive Psychology 1504 taught by Professor Tal Ben-Shahar suggests 14 key tips for improving the quality of our personal status and contributing to a positive life.  The 1st tip which reads "be thankful for everything you have" is indeed always in my pocket.  Not only does it signal the people-to-people, people-to-object and people-to-environment relation, but the individual self of us is also highlighted.  During this hectic examination period, don't forget to appreciate and acknowledge yourself.  No matter what scores you eventually get, your effort in facing this challenge counts.

In the I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development, we also bear in mind "always be nice to other people", the 8th tip offered in Professor Tal Ben-Shahar's class.  While you are looking for a congenial place to do some revision for the next examination session, or to spend together with your fellow students a spell on the year-end project, please stop over in our Centre's comfort hub which is situated at Room 508-9, 5/F, Wong Foo Yuan Building.  This little pasture, furnished with bean bag sofas, homey potted plants, old-school blackboard and distilled water dispenser, etc. will ban you from making a mockery of our promise - always be nice to YOU.

Sincerely yours,

Irene Ng
I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development

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博群文化導賞計劃 2017-18︰五月主題導賞團

「全能有情」聯校營會 —— 招收參加者及輔導員


社創領袖工作坊 II ── 社會影響評估


書送熱血 ── 接力捐血挑戰︰圓滿結束



