11 NOV 2022 ISSUE 12
1. From the Acting University Librarian

Welcome from the Library. We are looking forward to supporting your study and research with our extensive collections and full range of services.

In this edition of our newsletter, we highlight a prominent collection we have in our Library. The Chinese Overseas Collection which covers rich research materials on Chinese immigrants in various countries from the 19th century to the present day was established in 2002 from holdings of the Overseas Chinese Archives the library received from the Chinese Overseas Studies Centre of CUHK. 

2. New Hong Kong Literature Hub

With the donation of books and research materials from Professor Wai-luen Lo (Xiao Si), CUHK Library established the Hong Kong Literature Collection in 2002 by creatively linking researchers' personal collections with the Library's resources. Over the years, the Library has continuously received generous donations from various authors, scholars and the general public. At present, the collection contains more than 40,000 volumes that include books and literary periodicals of the New Literature published in Hong Kong in the early 20th century, as well as manuscripts, letters, photos, awards and prizes donated by writers. 

3. Collections Spotlight — Chinese Overseas Collection

The Chinese Overseas Collection of CUHK Library covers rich research materials on Chinese immigrants in various countries from the 19th century to the present day. Established in 2002, the collection originates in the Overseas Chinese Archives transferred from the Chinese Overseas Studies Centre of CUHK and later incorporated with other resources of the Library. The Collection contains scholarly books, periodicals, pamphlets, newspaper clippings, primary sources from Qiaoxiang in China (the emigrant villages of the Chinese overseas), and publications of Chinese political parties and associations in Southeast Asia and North America and other regions of the world. 

4. New Acquisitions

 Significant Special Collections Acquisition

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New Electronic Resources

The library has purchased or subscribed number of new electronic resources as below since January 2022, covering different subjects and languages.

5. What’s New & Upcoming?

Renovation Project of the User Education Room and Group Study Room at the University Library

The User Education Room 1 & 2 and Group Study Room 8 & 9 are closed for refurbishment and renovation from May to December 2022.

6. Meet New Library Staff

Mr Alan
NG, User Services Librarian 

What do you do at the Library?

I joined the CUHK Library in May 2022 as the User Services Librarian. My role is to facilitate the library users using all the available library services and maintain the University Library building as a safe and welcoming place for the users. I usually work with six teams of very capable library staff in User Services to ensure our daily operations run smoothly for the service provision.

7. Do You Know

Research Consultation Service 

Wi-Fi Printing

8. Contact Us

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong

  5578 8898 (Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm)

  (852) 3943 7305
  (852) 2603 6952


Table of Contents
1. From the Acting University Librarian
2. New Hong Kong Literature Hub
3. Collections Spotlight — Chinese Overseas Collection
4. New Acquisitions
5. What’s New & Upcoming?
6. Meet New Library Staff
7. Do You Know
8. Contact Us

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