Special Feature: General Research Fund (GRF) Projects Awarded in 2010 專題:2010年獲頒優配研究金資助的研究項目 Funded Research Projects in the Faculty of Education |
Prof. Leung Seung Ming Alvin
Associate Dean (Research)
The Faculty of Education of The Chinese University of Hong Kong prides itself as a vibrant and productive research center in educational research. In the year 2010, funded research and development projects of the Faculty of Education aggregated to more than HK$102,000,000 (counting only funded projects that are active in 2010). These funded projects address an array of educational issues that are both timely and substantial to the field of education, including:
Special Feature: General Research Fund (GRF) Projects Awarded in 2010 專題:2010年獲頒優配研究金資助的研究項目 Wellness among School Teachers in Hong Kong: The Relationship with Occupational Stress and Purpose in Life |
Principal Investigator:
Prof. Lau Siu Ying Patrick (Department of Educational Psychology)
Prof. Jane E. Myers (The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, the United States)
Prof. Yuen Man Tak (The University of Hong Kong) and Prof. Chan M. C. Raymond (Hong Kong Baptist University)
As the traditional studies on the teachers' mental health are mainly on the negative pathological complaint, there is a need for a sound knowledge base on teacher wellness (Lau, Yuen, Chan, Myers & Lee, 2008). The present study, therefore, has three objectives:
Special Feature: General Research Fund (GRF) Projects Awarded in 2010 專題:2010年獲頒優配研究金資助的研究項目 Implementing Innovative Feedback Approaches in Secondary EFL Writing in Hong Kong |
Principal Investigator:
Prof. Lee Kit Bing Icy (Department of Curriculum and Instruction)
Co- Investigators:
Prof. Anne Burns (Aston University, United Kingdom) and
Mr. Lam Che Keung Ricky (Hong Kong Institute of Education)
This collaborative action research study investigates how English teachers of S1-3 (lower secondary) students in Hong Kong can be supported to bring innovation to conventional feedback approaches in the writing classroom, and how such innovation can impact the teaching and learning of writing.
Special Feature: General Research Fund (GRF) Projects Awarded in 2010 專題:2010年獲頒優配研究金資助的研究項目 Concomitant and Competing Influences of Personal and Contextual Factors on the Career Development of Chinese University Students |
Principal Investigator:
Prof. Leung Seung Ming Alvin (Department of Educational Psychology)
Co- Investigators:
Prof. Hou Zhi-jin (Beijing Normal University)
Prof. Kwan Kwong Lien Karl (San Francisco State University)
This proposed study aims to examine the interactive effects of personal interest, family relational values (filial piety, parental expectations) and social expectations (preference to pursue prestigious occupations) on the career development and career commitment of Chinese university students.
Special Feature: General Research Fund (GRF) Projects Awarded in 2010 專題:2010年獲頒優配研究金資助的研究項目 Parents' Learning-Related Practices and Children's School Readiness at the Transition to Kindergarten: Comparing Mainland Chinese Immigrant Families and Native Families in Hong Kong and the United States |
Principal Investigator:
Prof. Ng Fei Yin Florrie (Department of Educational Psychology)
Prof. Catherine Tamis-LeMonda (New York University, the United States)
The overarching aim is to compare immigrant and native parents' learning-related practices and the effect on children's readiness for formal education at the transition to kindergarten. During this transition, children have to adjust to the routines and structure of a formal classroom, where learning becomes evaluated, and to social interactions with new peers and adult authorities. The increased demands for self-regulation and planning are often challenging for children. The transition is particularly critical for immigrant children, because it represents their first extensive immersion into the host society. Unfortunately, the adjustments associated with immigration often usurp immigrant parents' time and psychological resources, compromising their abilities to prepare their children for formal schooling. As such, immigrant children may be disadvantaged from their first encounter with achievement contexts and begin unfavorable academic trajectories. With education as a major avenue of upward mobility, this can hinder immigrants' integration into the host society.
Special Feature: General Research Fund (GRF) Projects Awarded in 2010 專題:2010年獲頒優配研究金資助的研究項目 Strategic Thinking and Execution in Hong Kong Schools |
Principal Investigator:
Prof. Pang Sun Keung Nicholas (Department of Educational Administration and Policy)
Prof. John Pisapia (Department of Educational Leadership, Florida Atlantic University, the United States)
In 2006, Pisapia offered a strategic leadership theory which bridges the ordered world with the postmodern world.
Special Feature: General Research Fund (GRF) Projects Awarded in 2010 專題:2010年獲頒優配研究金資助的研究項目 The Relationship between Language Proficiencies and Attentional Control among Cantonese-English Bilinguals in Hong Kong |
In Hong Kong, most students from primary and secondary schools can be regarded as Cantonese-English bilinguals who can operate in both languages at a different level of proficiency. While the abilities to speak, write, read, and comprehend two languages are clearly language skills, recent research has demonstrated that bilinguals outperform those who know only one language (i.e., monolinguals) in attention-demanding tasks. The goal of the proposed study is to examine how this "bilingual advantage" in attention tasks is modulated by bilinguals' language proficiencies.
Department of Curriculum and Instruction 課程與教學學系 English Language Teaching Programme for Shenzhen Teachers of English 2009/2010 |
Prof. Barley Mak
The Centre for Enhancing English Learning and Teaching, Faculty of Education, was invited by the Education Bureau to offer the "English Language Teaching Programme for Shenzhen Teachers of English 2009/2010" from March to July 2010, followed by a six-month consultation period. The programme combined theory and practice, with the aim of facilitating participants to put theory into practice. Regarding the delivery of the programme, expertise in English learning and teaching was solicited from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction.
Department of Educational Administration and Policy 教育行政與政策學系 Human to Be Capitalized for Enduring Competitiveness: The Human Capital Perspective in Enhancing Hong Kong's Strategic Position as a Regional and International Business Center |
Prof. Chung Yue Ping & Prof. Chen Shuangye
In the recent White Paper Proposal of "Theme-based Research", two of our colleagues revisited the concept of human capital and brought our attention to the connection between human capital and enduring competitiveness of Hong Kong.
Department of Educational Administration and Policy 教育行政與政策學系 Evolving School Leadership Practices in China in the New Millennium |
The University Council of Educational Administration is a consortium of higher education institutions committed to advancing the preparation and practice of educational leaders. From 27 to 31 October 2010, the Council held its annual convention in New Orleans, USA, with the theme: "Building Bridges: Politics, Partnerships, and the Purpose of Schooling". As one of its member institutions, the Department of Education Administration and Policy sent a delegate of five to attend the convention. They were Prof. Pang Sun Keung, Dr. Tam Wai Ming and three PhD students, Zheng Yulian, Li Xiaolei and Wang Xueju. The five of them collaborated to present a symposium entitled "Evolving School Leadership Practices in China in The New Millennium." The symposium was well-attended and there were stimulating dialogues between the speakers and the audience.
Department of Educational Administration and Policy 教育行政與政策學系 Summer Research Institute: Liberal Arts Education in China & the US 4 August 2010 – 8 August 2010, Guangzhou |
Ou Dongshu
Prof. Ou Dongshu newly joined the Department of Educational
Administration and Policy. She helped organize a summer research institute of
liberal arts education. Her experience and sharing gave us an in-depth view of
the exchange between China
and the US and how liberal
art education is now being worked out in China.
Department of Educational Psychology 教育心理學系 越快樂,越好學 蕭鳳英 教育心理系助理教授 |
教育心理學系有三位老師獲得教育學院模範教學獎 (2008-2009),以表揚他們在教學上出色的表現。蕭鳳英教授、黃蘊智教授、侯傑泰教授在此分享他們的教學理念。
Department of Educational Psychology 教育心理學系 重回傳說中的古樹下 黃蘊智 教育心理系副教授 |
教育心理學系有三位老師獲得教育學院模範教學獎 (2008-2009),以表揚他們在教學上出色的表現。蕭鳳英教授、黃蘊智教授、侯傑泰教授在此分享他們的教學理念。
Department of Educational Psychology 教育心理學系 大班講授 = 沉悶、低效能? 侯傑泰 教育心理系講座教授 |
教育心理學系有三位老師獲得教育學院模範教學獎 (2008-2009),以表揚他們在教學上出色的表現。蕭鳳英教授、黃蘊智教授、侯傑泰教授在此分享他們的教學理念。
Department of Educational Psychology 教育心理學系 Seminars |
Department of Sports Science and Physical Education 體育運動科學系 Symposium on Physical Activity: The Challenges for Schools and Communities |
With the support of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education held a Symposium entitled "Physical Activity: The Challenges for Schools and Communities" on 11 December 2010 (Saturday).
Department of Sports Science and Physical Education 體育運動科學系 Department of SSPE Visited by Government Officials |
On the 8 December, the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education was visited by Ms. Hui Hiu Fai (Under Secretary) and Mr. Mok Kwan Yu Benjamin (Principal Assistant Secretary, Recreation and Sport Division) from the Home Affairs Bureau of the Government of Hong Kong.
The purpose of the visit was to hear the opinions and feelings from experienced SSPE staff on a potential bid for the Asian Games.
Department of Sports Science and Physical Education 體育運動科學系 New Staff Member at SSPE |
Associate Professor Angus Burnett is a new staff member in the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education. He graduated with his PhD in Biomechanics from the University of Western Australia in 1997.
Department of Sports Science and Physical Education 體育運動科學系 SSPE Alumnus Wins Awards at Police College |
SSPE alumnus Shum Lap Chi (graduate in 2007) was awarded the Brian Slevin Trophy for "Best of the Best Inspector", the Baton of honor for the best in class and the Academic Merit respectively. These awards were received by him at the Passing Out Parade at the Police College on 31 July 2010.
Department of Sports Science and Physical Education 體育運動科學系 SSPE Year 4 Student Yu Ching Yan Fiona wins HKSAR Government Scholarship |
The Department of SSPE would like to congratulate our Year 4 student, Yu Ching Yan Fiona, for recently being awarded the HKSAR Government Scholarship. She has kindly written a piece as follows:
Department of Sports Science and Physical Education 體育運動科學系 Focus on SSPE Staff – Prof. Ha Sau Ching Amy: Passionate Teacher Helps Develop Passion at the Coalface |
Prof. Ha Sau Ching Amy, Chair of the Department of SSPE, was recently awarded with the Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award 2009. As a passionate teacher and educator, Prof. Ha is committed to bridging the gap between research and practice.
Department of Sports Science and Physical Education 體育運動科學系 Thoughts about Research from the Undergraduate Students |
From Chan Tik Wah Eddie (Year 4 SSPE Student)
As a SSPE undergraduate in CUHK, the BEd degree at SSPE has given us a great opportunity to experience the fundamentals of research, especially in a PE-related setting. Research experience is essential towards our studies in the course, through them, we can gain a first hand experience in dealing with social issues and problems concerning our society. For instance, we can investigate in greater depth, topics such as obesity, sporting performances in Hong Kong and other health related areas. With the statistical course which we have taken in our first university year, the two courses (the statistical course and research course) combine well together, allowing us to apply our knowledge in research topics that we are interested in, with full support from the Department.
Physical Education Unit 體育部 體育課程考察團 |
Physical Education Unit 體育部 中大女籃出戰台灣「佛光杯」國際賽 |
Physical Education Unit 體育部 中大女子游泳隊奪團體亞軍 |
Physical Education Unit 體育部 中大越野隊奪個人獎1金1銅 |
Physical Education Unit 體育部 第14屆全國大學生羽毛球錦標賽 |
Physical Education Unit 體育部 第十六屆全國大學生擊劍錦標賽 |
Physical Education Unit 體育部 中大運動代表隊授旗禮 暨 楊明標及區寶琪優秀運動員獎學金」頒獎典禮 |
Physical Education Unit 體育部 「運動員獎學金計劃」歡迎會2010 |
June 2010 - December 2010
List of Academic Visitors 訪問學者名錄 |
Education Insight 教育短評 How Do EFL (English As A Foreign Language) Learners' Learning Style Preferences Affect Their Learning Strategy Choices? |
Dr. Li Jie
(PhD Graduate)
Associate Professor,
Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China
An understanding of this question will help learners develop the flexibilities to cope with different learning contexts and ultimately achieve learner autonomy. In a recent study, Dr. Li has addressed this question based on the Chinese tertiary EFL learners.
Education Insight 教育短評 能把劉曉波、趙連海納入國民教育課嗎? |