The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mar 01, 2016 Volume 118
Office of Academic Links(China)
Student Interflow Programmes

1. Invitation to Green Competition under Cross-Strait Green University Consortium 2016

2. Information Session for CU in Mainland & Taiwan 2016


Invitation to Green Competition under Cross-Strait Green University Consortium 2016


The Green Competition under Cross-Strait Green University Consortium 2016, jointly organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Nanjing University (NJU) and Taiwan Central University (NCU), will be held in CUHK from 15 to 21 May 2016. The competition is now calling for application!


Interested students can form groups (with a maximum of four members) and submit project proposals to join, showing their innovative ideas and enthusiasm for protecting our living planet, with topics ranging from in-depth studies on current environmental issues to innovation and enhancement of green products.  Please click here for programme details, and contact Mr. Simon Leung at 39434412 or via email to for enquiries.


The Green Competition is one of the student programmes developed under the Cross-Strait Green University Consortium among CUHK, NJU and NCU established in 2011. The three universities take turns to co-organize the competition. The 1st Green Competition, with the theme of Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Green Culture, was held in CUHK in 2013.


Information Session for CU in Mainland & Taiwan 2016


OALC will be organizing an Information Session to introduce around 50 student interflow programmes to mainland China and Taiwan coordinated by OALC in 2016, among which over 30 programmes will be organized in this summer, including cultural exploration tours, academic competitions and service-learning trips.  Details of the session are shown below:


Date:           March 10, 2016 (Thursday)

Time:          15:00 – 16:30

Venue:        LT3, G/F, Yasumoto International Academic Park

Activities:    Programme introduction, students' sharing and exhibition


Light refreshments will be served after the session. You will learn more about our activities via meeting with guests from over 30 mainland institutions.  Participants will also be given priority ONCE in their applications for our student interflow programmes this year.  Please join us by applying here and contact Mr. Simon LEUNG of our Office should you have any enquiries at 3943-4412 or via

Snapshots of the 1st Green Competition (hosted by CUHK)

Snapshots of the 2nd Green Competition (hosted by Nanjing University)

Snapshots of the 2nd Green Competition (hosted by Nanjing University)

Snapshots of the 3rd Green Competition (hosted by Taiwan Central University)

Snapshots of the 3rd Green Competition (hosted by Taiwan Central University)

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