The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jan 01, 2021 Volume 175
Office of Academic Links(China)
Student Interflow Programmes

1. CUHK Students Sweep Awards in National and the Greater Bay Area Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competitions
2. Summary of OALC Student Interflow Programmes in Winter 2020
3. Summer Research Placement Programme 2021 Opens for Nomination
4. New Internship Opportunity at National Research Bases of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
5. Young Talent Scholarship of Alliance of International Science Organizations Calls for Application

CUHK Students Sweep Awards in National and the Greater Bay Area Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competitions

The 6th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition cum National and Greater Bay Area Entrepreneurship Competitions (Hong Kong Region) Award Presentation Ceremony was held on 12 December 2020 at the Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association. Students from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) participated in those competitions and won a total of 12 awards. Prof. ZEE Chung Ying Benny, Director of the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services, attended the ceremony on behalf of CUHK to congratulate the winning teams.

The 6th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition was divided into two categories: Innovation and Entrepreneurship. CUHK students won five innovation project awards and three entrepreneurship project awards with outstanding performance. In the 6th China International Internet + University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, CUHK teams received two silver awards. In the 12th "Challenge Cup" China University Student Entrepreneurship Competition, two teams from CUHK won gold and silver awards respectively. (Please click here for the list of winners)

For details of the competitions, please visit the following website:

Summary of OALC Student Interflow Programmes in Winter 2020

Though some outbound activities were not available to students in the fall semester due to pandemic circumstances, OALC continued to organize various online short-term student interflow activities in collaboration with cross-strait partner institutions and organizations, creating opportunities of experiential learning for CUHK students. During winter 2020, 56 students participated in 4 activities coordinated by OALC.

Organizer Programme Name No. of CUHK Participants Date
Fudan University Fudan University Global Program on Economics and Finance 6 14 Sep – 25 Dec 2020
Shanghai-Hong Kong University Alliance Internship Programme in Shanghai 4 1 Oct -31 Dec 2020
Fudan University Online Winter School @ Fudan SOE 2020 44 21 Dec 2020 – 10 Jan 2021
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Online Winter Camp on Minority Language on Belt & Road (Phase 2) 2 30 Nov – 13 Dec 2020

More activities would be organized by OALC in the new year. For enquiries, please contact Ms. Kit CHAN at 39434412 or via

Summer Research Placement Programme 2021 Opens for Nomination

2021 Summer Research Placement Programme for Mainland and Taiwan Students will be held from 28 June to 14 August 2021. We would like to invite faculty members of the University to join the programme as hosts to provide research placement opportunities to students from mainland China and Taiwan. Interested units shall submit their nominations to OALC by 31 January 2021.

OALC will provide full administrative support to the programme, including visa application, hostel reservation and organizing interflow activities. For enquiries, please contact Ms. Kit Chan of our Office at 39434412 or via

New Internship Opportunity at National Research Bases of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

In order to strengthen the cooperation and exchanges between the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and to provide CUHK research students with internship opportunities at the top scientific and research bases in China, the Office of Academic Links (China) [OALC] joins hand with CAS to launch a new research internship programme, named “CAS-CUHK Research Internship Programme in Major Scientific Research Infrastructure”. The Programme is scheduled to be held from 17 May to 2 July 2021. Details of research bases and internship quotas are as follows:

• Large Sky Are Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST): 3 students
• Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST): 3 Students
• Institute of High Energy Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences - China Spallation Neutron Source: 4-5 Students

This programme intends to recruit CUHK full-time PhD students, mainly from the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Engineering, with priority given to students from Hong Kong, Macao and the Mainland. Nominations shall be made by supervisors and will be submitted to CAS for final selection after OALC review. This brand-new internship opportunity allows research students to gain work experience in top national scientific research bases to enhance their research capability and broaden their horizons. OALC will announce the programme details and nomination procedures via email shortly.

Young Talent Scholarship of Alliance of International Science Organizations Calls for Application

The 2021 Young Talent Scholarship of the Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) has opened for application. The award aims at sponsoring foreign young students who intend to continue their studies at the University of Science and Technology of China, the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences or the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Students from Hong Kong, mainland China, Taiwan and Macau are not included. Applicants should meet the selection criteria set by the Scholarship and need to submit relevant supporting documents through the online registration system on or before 31 March, 2021 (Beijing time) to complete the application process.

The ANSO Young Talent Scholarship was officially launched in 2019, with the aim to cultivate young scientists from all over the world. It supports 200 master's students and 300 doctoral students with concession and allowance in tuition fee, living expenses and health insurance each year. The Scholarship not only reduces the living burden of young scientists in pursuing research dreams, but also allows them to receive professional training and conduct research in national research institutions whilst gaining valuable experience via cultural exchanges. Please click here to learn more application details.

A group photo of CUHK winning teams attending the 6th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition and National and Greater Bay Area Entrepreneurship Competitions (Hong Kong Region) Award Presentation Ceremony

Director of CUHK Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services Prof. ZEE Chung Ying Benny (first from right) attends the award ceremony on behalf of CUHK

Representatives of CUHK winning teams receive awards at the ceremony

Students joining this internship programme would visit  Large Sky Are Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) (top left), Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) (top right), or Institute of High Energy Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences - China Spallation Neutron Source (bottom left and right)

Young Talent Scholarship of Alliance of International Science Organizations

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