The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
May 01, 2014 Volume 95
Office of Academic Links(China)

Centre for Chinese Studies in Taiwan - Research Grant for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies

As referred by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, application for "Center for Chinese Studies in Taiwan (CSS) - Research Grant for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies" is now open for application for scholars in Chinese studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK),   Details  are as follows:

Scope of Funding:

This program is aimed to sponsor professors, associate professors, assistant professors (including post-doctoral researchers) and doctoral candidates in Chinese studies-related departments, to undertake research in Taiwan, mainly on Taiwan or Chinese studies.

Research Period:

January to December in the next year


Research Tenure:

Three months to One year

Funding Standard:

Travel subsidy: One direct round trip economy class air ticket from the domicile of the grant recipient to Taipei will be provided by CCS. Travel expenses will be reimbursed upon arrival in Taiwan on the basis of the ticket stub and receipt.

Research subsidy: Paid to grant recipients at the beginning of each month and divided into the following levels:

1.)    Professor (TWD60,00.00 per month),

2.)    Associate Professor (TWD50,000 per month)

3.)    Assistant Professor, Post-doctoral researcher or Doctoral candidate (TWD40,000 per month)

Application Deadline

31 May 2014

Announcement Date

End of August 2014



For details of the Research Grant Program, application information and On-line Application Form, please visit the following website:

Please contact Mr. Liao Zhen, staff of CCS at 886-02-23619132 ext.352 or by email for further enquiries.

Note: No special leave will be provided by the University to the successful candidate(s) under this Program.   Scholars have to make use of their own leave entitlement for this Program.  Please contact Personnel Office for any enquiries about the leave arrangements.

Prospective applicants please keep OALC posted of their application status ( for internal record purpose.

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