The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jan 01, 2018 Volume 140
Office of Academic Links(China)
Linkage Incoming Visits

1. President of Chinese Academy of Sciences Visits CUHK
2. President of Jilin University Visits CUHK
3. Associate Vice President of Fudan University Visits CUHK
4. Other Important Incoming Visits


President of Chinese Academy of Sciences Visits CUHK


Prof. Bai Chunli, President of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) led a delegation of CAS and the CAS Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT) comprising Prof. Yang Jianhua and Prof. Fan Jianping, Party Secretary and President of SIAT, to visit The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on 1 December 2017.  Prof. Joseph Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK at the time of the visit; Prof. Benjamin Wah, Provost and Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, received the guests and discussed with them the development of technological collaboration under the National Belt and Road Initiative and that of the joint laboratories.


Participants joining the meetings consist of members from various joint research units between CUHK and CAS.  They are Prof. Henry Wong, Faculty Dean of Science and Co-Director of Shanghai-Hong Kong Joint Laboratory in Chemical Synthesis; Prof. Wong Ching-ping, Faculty Dean of Engineering and Co-Director of Joint Laboratory for High Density Electronic Packaging Materials and Devices; Prof. Chan Wai-yee, School Director of Biomedical Sciences and Co-Directors of Joint Research Laboratory on Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine (Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health), and Joint Laboratory of Bioresources and Molecular Research in Common Diseases (Kunming Institute of Zoology); Prof. Lin Ge, Director of Joint Research Laboratory for Promoting Globalization of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Prof. Xiao Xudong, Co-Director of Center for Photovoltaic Solar Cell; Prof. Du Ruxu, Co-Director of Joint Laboratory for Precision Engineering and Prof. Qin Ling, Co-Director of Joint Laboratory for Biomaterials.


CUHK representatives gave reports of the University's recent development and the research achievements of the CUHK-CAS joint research laboratories.  Discussions on the progress of the joint units were held.  The delegation then paid visits to the joint laboratories for a closer look of the recent research projects in stem cell and regenerative medicine, globalization of Chinese medicine, as well as bioresources and molecular research.  President Bai's visit enhanced communication and mutual understanding for further exchange and collaboration, enabling sustainable partnership development between CUHK and CAS.


CUHK has been in close collaboration with CAS in academic exchange and joint research projects since the partnership establishment in 1986.  Apart from the two state key laboratories and a number of joint laboratories, the two institutions joined hands with Shenzhen Municipal Government to found SIAT in February 2006.  CUHK has been organizing CAS Academicians Visit Programme cum Lecture Series annually since 2007, and the CUHK-CAS Partnership Steering Committee was established in 2014 to forge effective and sustainable relationship and strengthen bilaterial partnership.


President of Jilin University Visits CUHK


Prof. Li Yuanyuan, President of Jilin University, led an 11-member delegation to visit The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on 22 December 2017.  During their stay at CUHK, the delegates discussed plans of exchange and collaboration with Prof. Joseph Sung, then Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, and Prof. Fanny Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK.  CUHK representatives joining meeting, included Prof. Wong Ching-ping, Faculty Dean of Engineering; Prof. Henry Wong, Faculty Dean of Science; Prof. Xie Zuowei, Associate Faculty Dean of Science; and Prof. Lam Hon-ming, Director of State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology (Partner Laboratory in CUHK).


Apart from learning more about the University's recent research developments, the delegates visited the Faculty of Science, where they explored collaboration opportunities with Prof. Yeung Ying-yeung, Department Chairman of Chemistry; Prof. Raymond Chan, Department Chairman of Mathematics and Prof. Dickon Ng, Department Chairman of Physics.  The meeting enhanced connections and friendship between CUHK and Jilin University, laying a solid foundation for future collaboration in various aspects.


Associate Vice President of Fudan University Visits CUHK


Prof. Chen Zhimin, Associate Vice-President of Fudan University (FDU) visited The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on 15 December 2017.  The delegates met and discussed plans to enhance collaboration on humanities and general education with Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Leung Yuen-sang, Faculty Dean of Arts; Prof. Leung Mei-yee, Director of University General Education; and Ms. Wing Wong, Director of Academic Links (China).  Both sides devised proposals and direction of future academic and research collaboration.


Fudan University is one of the key partner institutions of CUHK in mainland China.  Since the establishment of partnership in 1985, both universities have carried out a wide variety of collaborative projects.  A bilaterial Partnership Steering Committee was set up in 2015 to forge effective and sustainable relationship.  Both FDU and CUHK are members of the Alliance of University General Education. The University joined the Alliance in 2016 as the only member institution from Hong Kong. In September of the same year, a collaboration agreement was signed between the two universities to strengthen efforts on teaching and interflow activities relating to general education.


Other Incoming Visits


·   Mr. He Hua, Deputy Commissioner of State Intellectual Property Office led a six-member delegation to visit The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on 8 December 2017.  Delegates came to know more about CUHK's research development and knowledge transfer during the meeting with Prof. Fanny Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Ms. Wing Wong, Director of Academic Links (China) and Ms. Tracy Pang, Technology Development Manager of Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services, followed by a visit to the CUHK T Rbotics Institute with Prof. Liu Yunhui, Institute Director on collaborative issues.

·   Prof. Li Jianqing, Vice-President of Nanjing Medical University, visited The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on 6 December 2017 with a group of delegates to study CUHK's infrastructures management and laboratory safety policies. The delegates met with Ms. Wing Wong, Director of Academic Links (China); Mr. Ralph Lee, Director of University Safety; and Mr. Li Sing Cheung, Senior Engineer of Campus Development Office to share experience, and toured around such facilities on campus.

·   Mr. Wang Binwei, Director of the Education Examinations Authority of Guangdong Province led a delegation to visit The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on 1 December 2017. He met with Prof. Wong Suk-ying, Associate Vice-President and Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, and representatives of CUHK's Guangdong undergraduate students to learn about the admission and study of mainland students in CUHK.  Both sides explored ways to facilitate relevant collaboration on admissions of Guangdong elite students to CUHK.

·   Mr. Liang Qun, Director of United Front Department of Ningbo Municipal Committee visited The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on 18 December 2017, and discussed Ningbo's education and economic developments during the meeting with Prof. Joseph Sung, then Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, and Ms. Wing Wong, Director of Academic Links (China).  Both sides discussed opportunities to further promote educational and cultural collaboration, and to enhance exchange of talents.  The meeting helped build friendship and established links for future collaboration.

Prof. Bai Chunli from the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) posed a group photo with CUHK members

The delegation led by Prof. Bai Chunli from the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) visits the School of Biomedical Sciences with a group photo posed with school members

Prof. Bai visits the CAS KIZ-CUHK Joint Laboratory of Bioresources and Molecular Research of Common Diseases

Delegation from CAS enjoys luncheon with Prof. Benjamin Wah, Provost of CUHK and academic members from the University

Prof. Li Yuanyuan, President of Jilin University (eighth from left) leads a delegation to CUHK

Prof. Fanny Cheung (middle), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK officiates welcome luncheon for the delegation from Jilin University

Prof. Chen Zhimin (third from left), Associate Vice-President of Fudan University leads a delegation to CUHK

Prof. Fok Tai-fai (right), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK presents a souvenir to Prof. Chen Zhimin, Associate Vice-President of FDU

Mr. He Hua (fifth from left), Deputy Commissioner of State Intellectual Property Office led a delegation to visit CUHK and meet with Prof. Fanny Cheung (fifth from right), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK

Prof. Li Jianqing, Vice-President of Nanjing Medical University leads a delegation to visit CUHK

Prof. Wong Suk-ying (left), Associate Vice-President of CUHK presents a souvenir to Mr. Wang Binwei, Director of the Education Examinations Authority of Guangdong Province

Mr. Liang Qun, Director of United Front Department of Ningbo Municipal Committee leads a delegation to CUHK

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