The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Aug 01, 2017 Volume 135
Office of Academic Links(China)
Academic Exchange Activities

Greater China MOOC Symposium

Co-organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Shenzhen University and UOOC Union, the 4th Greater China MOOC Symposium (GCMS) was held on 19-21 July 2017 in CUHK with the theme being "How to build an infrastructure to support e-Learning development in all phases of lifelong learning". Guests officiating at the opening ceremony included Prof. Isabella Poon, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Liu Anchi, President of GCMS Advisory Board and Prof. Irwin King, Associate Dean (Education) of Engineering of CUHK.


The Symposium attracted more than 150 participants comprising veterans who are in the MOOC community from mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand and Spain. A total of 45 presentations, encompassing 4 Keynote Presentations, 1 Panel Discussion, 19 Invited Talks and 21 Regular Talks, were delivered. Sharing topics included technology, policy and pedagogical issues related to e-Learning and MOOC. Prof. Hau Kit-tai, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Educational Psychology at CUHK, Prof. Nie Fenghua, Deputy General-Secretary of Tsinghua University and President of MOOC-CN Education, Mr. Charlie Nguyen, CEO of CMS Global and Mr. Sun Zhigang, Strategy Director of NetEase Education Division gave keynote presentations at the Symposium.


To enhance the quality of MOOC education, the first "MOOCr Awards" was presented at the Symposium. By selecting the outstanding design of MOOC courses, top talents in the community were identified, which promotes the development of MOOC in both academic circle and industrial sector. A total of 91 pieces of entries joined the competition, among which 15 of them were awarded and received the "2017 MOOCr Award Quality Course Certification".


The Greater China MOOC Symposium was first organized in 2014, with the aim in providing a platform for MOOC veterans to exchange ideas for innovative education. The Symposium was held in Gansu in 2014, Tainan in 2015 and Xi'an in 2016, which effectively promotes the research collaboration and application in Greater China. Details of the this year's Symposium can be found at:

Group photo of participants in the 4th Greater China MOOC Symposium

Prof. Isabella Poon, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the symposium

Prof. Isabella Poon, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK (right) presents a souvenir to Prof. Liu Anchi, President of GCMS Advisory Board

Prof. Hau Kit-tai, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Educational Psychology at CUHK delivers a keynote presentation at the symposium

Prof. Nie Fenghua, Deputy General-Secretary of Tsinghua University and President of MOOC-CN Education delivers a keynote presentation at the symposium

Mr. Charlie Nguyen, CEO of CMS Global delivers a keynote presentation at the symposium

Mr. Sun Zhigang, Strategy Director of NetEase Education Division delivers a keynote presentation at the symposium

Veterans from the MOOC Community exchange ideas with audience at Panel Discussion

Prof. Irwin King, Associate Dean (Education) of Engineering of CUHK (seventh from left) presents 2017 MOOCr Awards to awardees

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