The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Feb 04, 2008 Volume 15
Office of Academic Links(China)
Visit of Delegation from Beijing Normal University

In order to understand our student affairs, teaching, human resources, research, campus facilities and information technology, a 38-member management training class led by Professrs LIU Chuan-Sheng, Party Secretary of Beijing Normal University visited CUHK during 21 - 26 January.

Members of the class included professors from Arts, Sciences, Law, Engineering and Education Faculties as well as senior administrators of the university. During the visit, they also visited New Asia College, University Library and other academic units.

Members of the management training class with our staff

:: Back to This Issue
:: Academicians Visitorship Programme
:: Student Achievements in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Exhibition 2007——Harvest of Innovative Thinking and Entrepreneurship
:: Flagship Course on Health Sector Reform and Sustainable Financing for China 2007
:: China Links Seminar 2008: Setting Up Joint Research Units—Experience of Collaboration with Chinese Academy of Sciences
:: Visit by President of Zhejiang University
:: Visit of Delegation from Beijing Normal University
:: Visit of Delegation coordinated by Ministry of Education PRC

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