Visit of the Scientific Advisory Committee

The Scientific Advisory Committee comprising of Dr. Owen M. Rennert (Chairperson), National Institutes of Health, U.S.A., Dr. Ping-Yee Law, University of Minnesota, U.S.A., Dr. Vassilios Papadopoulos, McGill University Health Centre, Canada, and Dr. Rocky Tuan, University of Pittsburg School of Medicine, paid their second visit to our School between 28 February and 4 March 2011.

The Committee held individual meetings with different groups of School members to learn about our latest development in various domains.  These members included the School Director; Associate Directors; Chief and members of respective Thematic Research Programs (TRPs), Head and members of the Teaching and Learning Unit; as well as the postgraduate student representatives.  The Committee also visited the core laboratory facilities of the School.

Apart from meeting with our members, the Committee also met with Prof. Benjamin Wah, Provost, and Prof. T. F. Fok, Dean of Medicine.

Based on the observations during the visit, the Committee made recommendations essential for sustaining sound growth and enhancing the competitive edge of the School.

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Visit of the Scientific Advisory Committee
Experience-Sharing Lunch "Commercialization of Biomedical Inventions"

Appointment of Prof. Wai-Yee Chan as Honorary Professor at Jinan University
Prof. Huang Yu being Awarded the Ministry of Education (MOE) Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards 2010 - Natural Science Award
Six Teachers received the Teachers of the Years Award 2009/10, Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Christopher H.K. Cheng being appointed as member of the 23rd Comparative Physiology Committee of The Chinese Physiological Society

Representatives of the School attended "The 1st China-Hong Kong Academic Forum on Cancer and Microenvironment"
Agreement Signing and Opening Ceremony of the "Joint Research Laboratory for Promoting Globalization of Traditional Chinese Medicines"
Visit of Delegates from Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University
Delegation Visit from the Centre for Science and Technology Development Ministry of Education (MOE)
Prof. Rainer W. Guillery from Oxford University visited the School of Biomedical Sciences
Return Visits to the Robert Gordon University (U.K.) and University of Southampton (U.K.)
Delegation Visit of the 4th Military Medical University
Delegation Visit to Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Branch

People Portrait - Prof. Chao Wan, Assistant Professor
People Portrait - Dr. Rebecca Lee, Instructor
New Faces

Briefing Sessions - MSc/PgD in Genomics and Bioinformatics
School of Biomedical Sciences Research Day 2011

Past Issue