The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jan 01, 2018 Volume 140
Office of Academic Links(China)
Partnership and Collaboration

1. The 10th Meeting of CUHK-SYSU Partnership Steering Committee Convenes in Guangzhou
2. Associate Vice-President of CUHK Joins 2nd China-UK Dialogue on Humanities in Higher Education cum Think-tank Forum


The 10th Meeting of CUHK-SYSU Partnership Steering Committee Convenes in Guangzhou


The 10th meeting of Partnership Steering Committee between The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU) was held on 21 December 2017 in SYSU.  Co-chaired by Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK and Prof. Xiao Haipeng, Vice President of SYSU, the meeting brought together some 20 faculty members and administrative staff of both universities.


Participating members of CUHK included Prof. David Faure, Director of CUHK-SYSU Centre for Historical Anthropology and Wei Lun Research Professor of History; Prof. He Xi, Department of History; Prof. Tao Qian, State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China (Partner Laboratory in The Chinese University of Hong Kong) and Department of Clinical Oncology; Prof. Shaw Pang-chui, School of Life Sciences; Prof. Sara Zhong, Department of Sociology; Prof. Jessie Liang, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics; Ms. Wing Wong, Director of Academic Links (China) and Ms. Wendy Lou, Assistant Director of Student Affairs.


Representatives of both universities took turns to report respective progress of projects in collaboration groups, with fields ranging from historical anthropology, sociology, legal studies, gastroenterology and oncology, to public health, biotechnology, mathematics and statistics as well as student affairs and academic links.  Prof. Fok Tai-fai recognized the meeting as an effective exchange platform for both sides to review, plan and follow up on respective joint projects, facilitating the further enhancement of partnership and collaboration.  He hoped that such exchange and collaboration will continue to promote internal growth and advancement, while serving the needs for further development of the two regions.


Since the establishment of partnership in 1981, CUHK has been in close partnership in a wide range of joint collaborative projects including research collaboration, academic programmes and student exchange.  The CUHK-SYSU Partnership Steering Committee was set up by the two universities in 2008 to forge effective and sustainable relationship, while expanding fields of collaboration.  Both universities joined hands with the University of Macau (UM) to initiate the establishment of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau University Alliance in November 2016, which aims to promote regional development in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Big Bay Area by consolidating resources of elite universities and nurturing talents.


Associate Vice-President of CUHK Joins China-UK Dialogue on Humanities in Higher Education cum Think-tank Forum


The China-United Kingdom (UK) Humanities Alliance hosted the second China-UK Dialogue on Humanities in Higher Education cum Think-tank Forum at the University of Oxford on 5 – 6 December 2017.  The event, co-organized by the China Centre, University of Oxford and the Institute for World Literatures and Cultures, Tsinghua University  and with the theme of "Connections: China and the West in the Making of History", drew together around 80 scholars and senior members of 20 universities in China and the UK.  Prof. Wong Suk-ying, Associate Vice-President and Professor of Department of Sociology; and Prof. Lai Pan-chiu, Associate Faculty Dean of Arts and Professor of Department of Cultural and Religious Studies participated in the meetings on behalf of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).


Delegates took turns to give presentations, exchanging ideas and sharing insights on topics regarding multi-lingualism, the Early Modern Ages, humanisms and civilizations.  Prof. Wong Suk-ying delivered speeches at the China-UK Seminar on Humanities in Higher Education and at the Round Table Discussion Session to share CUHK's experience of humanities education and cross-cultural exchange. The meeting served as a platform to facilitate in-depth exchange and cooperation in humanities among Chinese and British universities.


Initiated by Tsinghua University in 2016, the China-UK Humanities Alliance aspires to increase and consolidate academic exchanges between the universities in China and UK via cross-cultural dialogue and collaboration in the field of humanities.  Out of the 12 founding member institutions, five are Chinese representatives, which include Peking University, Fudan University and Wuhan University, apart from Tsinghua and CUHK; 7 are British universities (including University of Oxford, The Needham Research Institute of Cambridge University, University of London, King's College London, University of Reading, The University of Manchester and The University of Warwick).  Currently CUHK is the only member from Hong Kong in the Alliance.

Participants of CUHK-SYSU Partnership Steering Committee pose for a group photo outside the meeting venue

Prof. TF Fok, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, gives a presentation at the meeting

The second China-UK Dialogue in Humanities in Higher Education cum Thinktank Forum takes place at the University of Oxford in the UK

Prof. Wong Suk-ying, Associate Vice-President of CUHK, gives a presentation at the event

Prof. Wong Suk-ying (first from right), Associate Vice-President of CUHK, meets with partners from mainland China and the United Kingdom

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