The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Feb 01, 2013 Volume 78
Office of Academic Links(China)
Partnership Linkage

First Green Competition under Cross-Strait Green University Consortium

The 1st Green Competition under Cross-Strait Green University Consortium, with the theme of Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Green Culture was held in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). The competition was organized by CUHK and co-organized by Nanjing University (NJU) and Taiwan Central University (NCU) from 22 to 25 January 2013.


Each university sent 3 teams to take part in the competition with participating projects ranging from plans, services to products and technology solutions for the chosen theme. The teams comprised undergraduates and postgraduates in the Faculty of Business Administration, Departments of Physics, Economics, Government and Public Administration, Environmental Science Programme, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science from CUHK; Departments of Business Administration, Civil Engineering, Economics, English, Physics from NCU; and Schools of the Atmospheric Sciences, Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Electronic Science and Engineering, Environment, Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences, Government, Journalism & Communication, Linguistics School from NJU.


The champion went to a team of students from NCU with their winning project entitled "Touch Green" regarding green logistics. The team of Institute of Space and Earth Information Science of CUHK won the 1st runner up with their plan on intelligent campus information platform. The third prize was given to a NJU team of students on a proposal of recycling old bicycles.  A "Gift Reborn" plan developed by CUHK students took the Merit prize. During the competition, the participating students attended a lecture given by Dr. Rebecca Lee on her expedition to the South and North Poles as well as related issues of environmental conservation in the regions. Field trip and visits were also paid by the students to obtain knowledge on green concepts.


Prof. Fung Tung, Associate-Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Chairman of the Competition Committee, and Prof. Henry Wong, Pro-Vice-Chancellor officiated at the Opening Ceremony and the Closing Ceremony cum Prize Presentation of the competition respectively. They expressed that the Green Competition not only fostered relationship among the students from the three regions and enhanced their awareness of environmental protection, but also advocated the message to apply green concepts into daily lives.


The Green Competition was one of the student programmes developed under Cross-Strait Green University Consortium which was established in 2011 among CUHK, NJU and NCU to consolidate resources from the three institutions to drive initiatives that incorporate green concepts into research and education. Under this framework, the 3 universities have started to host seminars and co-organize student activities, aspiring to extend experience to the community and promote sustainable development.

The Opening Ceremony of the Green Competition.

The Closing Ceremony cum Prize Presentation of the Green Competition.

The participating students attend a lecture given by Dr. Rebecca Lee (3rd from right, front row) on her expedition to the South and North Poles as well as related issues of environmental conservation in the regions.

Students Visit New Asia College.

Students Visit United College.

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