The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jul 01, 2020 Volume 169
Office of Academic Links(China)
Partnership and Collaboration

1. CUHK Holds Online Meeting with Peking University to Discuss Collaborative Plans
2. CUHK Joins the Governing Board Meeting of SIAT
3. Meeting of Guangdong-Hong Kong Advanced Institute for Regenerative Medicine

CUHK Holds Online Meeting with Peking University to Discuss Collaborative Plans

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Peking University (PKU) held online meeting on 15 June to discuss  future cooperation plans.  Representatives from PKU included Professor Hao Ping, President; Professor Wang Bo and Professor  Zhang Pingwen, Vice Presidents; Prof. Fang Fang, Director of the Office of Discipline Development; and Mr. Xia Hongwei, Director of the Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Affairs Office. CUHK participants comprised Professor Rocky Tuan, Vice-Chancellor; Professor Alan Chan, Provost; Professor Fok Tai-fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor; Professor Wong Suk-ying, Associate Vice-President; and Ms. Wing Wong, Director of Academic Links (China).

The meeting focused on the new mode of cooperation and exchange between PKU and CUHK in the post-epidemic era, covering areas such as the development of academic strengths and research collaboration. Academic activities including seminar series of Building World-class Universities and the annual meeting of Association of University Presidents of China were discussed together with the latest development of the undergraduate dual-degree programmes of the two universities.

Since the signing of academic exchange agreement in 1985, CUHK and PKU have achieved fruitful results in research and development, personnel training and student exchange. The two universities have established the Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of High-Confidence Software Technology and partnered with University System of Taiwan to build up the Joint Research Centre for Language and Human Complexity. In early 2019, the two universities signed a cooperation agreement on undergraduate dual-degree programmes. The first batch of students have started their studies in 2019-2020 which further strengthens joint efforts to cultivate talents in both regions.

CUHK Joins the Governing Board Meeting of SIAT

The Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) convened its annual Board Meeting on 16 June.  The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) joined the meeting as the Vice Chairman of the Board. Participanting members comprised Prof. Zhang Yaping, Vice President of CAS and Chairman of the SIAT Governing Board; Mr. Li Zhuowen, Vice Secretary of Shenzhen Municipal Government; and Prof. Fan Jianping, Director of CAS-SIAT. Representatives of the CUHK included Prof. Alan Chan, Provost of CUHK and Vice Chairman of the SIAT Governing Board; Prof. Martin Wong, Faculty Dean of Engineering and member of SIAT Governing Board; and Ms. Wing Wong, Director of Academic Links (China).

Prof. Fan Jianping, reported and concluded the institute's achievements in the previous 5 years.  Members of the Board discussed the work plan of the institute as well as possible challenges in the future. A range of objectives were devised which included enhancement of research standard and innovating management systems. Prof. Alan Chan, Provost of CUHK, gave a closing remarks on behalf of CUHK. He concluded that SIAT is the earliest strategic initiative of CUHK in the Greater Bay Area, a pivotal collaboration project with CAS the Shenzhen Municipal Government. The University will engage more CUHK members in the developments of SIAT, with expansion of joint research projects and new areas.  It is hoped that such participation will further contribute to CUHK’s commitments in the Greater Bay Area.

CUHK has been in close collaboration with CAS in academic exchange and joint research projects since the partnership establishment in 1980s.  Apart from the 2 State Key Laboratories and 9 Joint Laboratories, the two parties joined hands with Shenzhen Municipal Government to establish SIAT in February 2006.  It aims to enhance the innovative capacity of the equipment manufacturing and service industries in the Guangdong-Hong Kong region, and to promote the development of emerging industries, possessing their own proprietary intellectual property. It is the first national research unit with the involvement of overseas institution and the only national institute in Shenzhen.

Meeting of Guangdong-Hong Kong Advanced Institute for Regenerative Medicine 

As an endeavor to promote research advancement in regenerative medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Guangzhou Regenerative Medicine and Health Guangdong Laboratory (GDL) signed the Agreement for Collaboration Plan in the Establishment of GDL - CUHK Advance Institute for Regenerative Medicine in 2019.  An exchange meeting  was held on 26 June 2020 to discuss the work plan of joint efforts in the establishment.  Professor Rocky Tuan, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK and Professor Xu Tao, Director of GDL chaired the meeting together. The CUHK representatives included Professor Chan Wai-yee, Pro-Vice-Chancellor; Professor Feng Bo of School of Biomedical Sciences; and Professor Li Gang from the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology.  The meeting was joined by scholars from GDL. 

Participants exchanged views on the collaboration plans in the advanced institute covering a variety of areas ranging from research projects to joint supervision of postgraduate students. Professor Tuan said during the meeting that based on the established relationship between CUHK and GDL, the joint institute will further utilize research resources and strength to yield great outcomes as a crucial initiative in the  Greater Bay Area (GBA). 

CUHK has concluded a wide range of collaborative initiatives with universities and research organizations in Guangdong Province.  Around 30 joint research units have been established, including State Key Laboratory, Ministry of Education Key Laboratory, as well as research extension units at the national level in humanities and social sciences.  This establishment will further enhance CUHK’s  developments in the GBA region as well as in  stem cells, regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, tissue and organ rebuilding, precision medicine and clinical research.

CUHK and Peking University have online meeting to discuss  cooperation plans

CUHK and Peking University have online meeting to discuss  cooperation plans

CUHK joins the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology Governing Board Meeting as the Vice Chairman of the Board

CUHK holds meeting with Guangzhou Regenerative Medicine and Health Guangdong Laboratory on joint advanced institute

CUHK holds meeting with Guangzhou Regenerative Medicine and Health Guangdong Laboratory on joint advanced institute

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