The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jan 01, 2012 Volume 65
Office of Academic Links(China)
The 3rd China Writers @CUHK

The 3rd China Writers @CUHK was launched from 30 November to 2 December 2011. The programme was co-organized by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), and the Chinese Writers Press Group with the support from the Office of Academic Links (China) of CUHK. Two renowned writers, Mr. Mo Yan and Ms. Ge Shuiping, were invited to the University this year.

The two writers delivered lectures in the China Writers@CUHK Lectures on 2 December. Prof. Chen Pingyuan, Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, was the moderator for the Lectures. Mr. Mo and Ms. Ge shared their views with audience regarding novel writing and its relation to culture and environment. The lectures attracted about 200 attendees. The writers also had meeting with students and academics from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, including Prof. Ho Che-wah, Chairman of the Department, Prof. Chen Pingyuan and Prof. Wong Nim Yan, for academic exchange. 


During the visit, Mr. Mo and Ms. Ge met with Prof. Jack Cheng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Hsiung Ping-chen, Dean of Faculty of Arts; Prof. Leo Lee, Wei Lun Professor of Humanities; and Prof. Bei Dao, Professor of Humanities, Centre for East Asian Studies, to understand the research development of Chinese Studies in CUHK. They next toured the Art Museum and Ch'ien Mu Library of New Asia College.

Prof. Jack Cheng (5th from left), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK and representatives from the Faculty of Arts welcome Mr. Mo Yan (4th from left) and Ms. Ge Shuiping (4th from right)

Mr. Mo Yan delivers a lecture in the China Writer@CUHK Lecture

Ms. Ge Shuiping delivers a lecture in the China Writer@CUHK Lecture

:: Back to This Issue
:: 2011 CAE Academicians Visit Programme cum Lecture Series
:: The 3rd China Writers @CUHK
:: President of Beihang University Visits CUHK
:: Visit of the Director of National Library
:: Visit of President of Peking University
:: Strengthen Ties with Zhejiang University
:: Visit of President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
:: Delegation from Tianjin University
:: Delegation from the Education Department of Jiangxi Province
:: Forthcoming Activities
:: The Latest Academic Exchange Agreements

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