The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jan 01, 2012 Volume 65
Office of Academic Links(China)
President of Beihang University Visits CUHK

Prof. Huai Jinpeng, President of Beihang University, led a 10-member delegation to visit the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on 7 December 2011. Prof. Joseph Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK warmly welcomed the delegation and he was joined by Prof. Benjamin Wah, Provost; Pro-Vice-Chancellors Prof. Jack Cheng and Prof. Xu Yangsheng; Prof. Sean Tang, Associate Dean of Faculty of Engineering; Prof. Leung Ho Fung, Chairman of Department of Computer Science and Engineering; and Prof. Leung Kwok Sui, Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. An agreement on academic collaboration was signed during the visit.

At the meeting, CUHK representatives introduced to the delegation the University's latest development and its outstanding research areas. Prof. Huai Jinpeng and Prof. Joseph Sung signed a collaboration agreement between the two universities. The delegates next visited research facilities in Virtual Reality, Visualization and Imaging Research Centre, where they met with Prof. Wong Tien-Tsin of Computer Science and Engineering to learn more about the latest research projects of the Centre. 


Subsequent to the visit, a joint research workshop was held on 9 December in CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute.  Prof. Huai, President of Beihang University and PVC. Xu of CUHK officiated at the opening ceremony in Shenzhen. Over 30 participants in the field of Bioengineering and Computer Science from CUHK and Beihang attended the workshop. Investigators and researchers presented their research work and discussed further opportunities in joint projects and interdisciplinary collaborations.


The visit together with the joint research workshop further strengthened the linkage between the University and Beihang, expanding to new level of collaboration in new research areas.

Prof. Huai Jinpeng (right), President of Beihang University and Prof. Joseph Sung (left), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK signs a memorandum of understanding on academic collaboration between the two universities

Prof. Huai Jinpeng (left), President of Beihang University meets with Prof. Benjamin Wah (right), Provost of CUHK

CUHK representatives welcome the delegation from Beihang University

The delegation visits the research facilities of Virtual Reality, Visualization and Imaging Research Centre

The joint research workshop between CUHK and Beihang held in CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute

Prof. Xu Yangsheng delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the joint research workshop

:: Back to This Issue
:: 2011 CAE Academicians Visit Programme cum Lecture Series
:: The 3rd China Writers @CUHK
:: President of Beihang University Visits CUHK
:: Visit of the Director of National Library
:: Visit of President of Peking University
:: Strengthen Ties with Zhejiang University
:: Visit of President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
:: Delegation from Tianjin University
:: Delegation from the Education Department of Jiangxi Province
:: Forthcoming Activities
:: The Latest Academic Exchange Agreements

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