The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mar 01, 2017 Volume 130
Office of Academic Links(China)
Academic Exchange Activities

1. 10th Anniversary of CAS Academicians Visit Programme cum Lecture Series
2. Invitation to Lecture Series by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Scholars


10th Anniversary of CAS Academicians Visit Programme cum Lecture Series


The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Academicians' Visit Programme cum Lecture Series which is held annually since 2008.  Prof. Tan Tieniu, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government (LOCPG) in the HKSAR and former Vice-President of CAS joined the activities at CUHK, officiating at the anniversary luncheon, together with Prof. Joseph Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK.  The celebration marked an important milestone to a new height of the close collaboration between CUHK and CAS.  In his speech during the celebration lunch, Prof. Tan mentioned that CUHK is very innovative in establishing the Academicians' Visit Programme, which serves as an excellent platform and has created many opportunities for collaborations between CUHK and CAS.  


This year, four CAS Academicians were invited to CUHK for a four-day visit from 21 February.  They include Prof. Peng Shige, Prof. Wu Yueliang and Prof. Du Jiangfeng of the Division of Mathematics and Physics, as well as Prof. Cao Xiaofeng of the Division of Life Sciences and Medical Sciences. The University extended a warm welcome to the delegates.  CUHK representatives include Prof. Joseph Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Fok Tai-fai and Prof. Fanny Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellors; Prof. Wong Suk-ying, Associate Vice-President; Prof. Henry Wong, Faculty Dean of Science; Prof. Dickon Ng, Department Chairman of Physics; Prof. Shao Qiman, Department Chairman of Statistics; and Prof. Jiang Liwen, Centre Director for Cell and Developmental Biology.  The delegates visited relevant CUHK units including the School of Life Sciences and the Departments of Physics and Statistics, alongside the various laboratories and research centres.  They were introduced to the latest development and research plans of the University.  Interactive meetings were arranged with faculty members, where both sides discussed collaboration opportunities in a range of fields, particularly in inter-disciplinary collaboration to seize the new opportunities arising from national and global developments.


The four academicians delivered public lectures for the Lecture Series by Academicians on 22 February, sharing their research expertise and insights with members of CUHK and of the public.  The lectures attract an audience of over 250 people.  Details are listed below: 


Lecture Topics

Prof. Peng Shige

Data-based Nonlinear Distributions under Robust Expectations

Prof. Wu Yueliang

Chinese Taiji Programme in Space and Nature of Gravity

Prof. Du Jiangfeng

Quantum Control of Spins in Solids and Its Applications

Prof. Cao Xiaofeng

Dynamic Histone Methylation in Higher Plants

Organized by OALC, the CAS Academicians' Visit Programme invites four to six academicians every year to visit CUHK and to host the Lecture Series.  This programme aims to strengthen academic exchange, to facilitate long-term collaboration and platform building between CUHK and CAS, further enhancing the level of the University's academic research.  Programme details can be found here.


Invitation to Lecture Series by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Scholars


OALC will organize the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) Scholars Visit Programme in March 2017.  Three renowned scholars will deliver public lectures in the Lecture Series by CASS Scholars from 7 to 8 March 2017.  All are welcome!  Details of the Lecture Series are as follows:



Prof. Zhang Yi, National Institute of Social Development, CASS

Prof. Chen Zexian, Institute of International Law, CASS

Prof. Gu Yueguo, Institute of Linguistics, CASS


Lecture 1

Date:                7 March 2017 (Tuesday)

Time:               1530-1700

Venue:              Cheng Yu Tong Building, LT5

Speaker:           Prof. Zhang Yi

Topic:               改革開放以來中國內地社會的劃時代變遷

Moderator:        Prof. Stephen Chiu, Co-director, Hong Kong Institute
                         of Asia-Pacific Studies


Lecture 2

Date:                7 March 2017 (Tuesday)

Time:               1630-1800

Venue:              SWH 1, Fung King Hey Building

Speaker:           Prof. Gu Yueguo

Topic:               漢字帝國的構建:從甲骨文到電子網頁

Moderator:        Prof. Lee Hun Tak, Chairman, Department of 
                          Linguistics and Modern Language


Lecture 3

Date:                8 March 2017 (Wednesday)

Time:               1030-1200

Venue:              5/F, Moot Court, Lee Shau Kee Building

Speaker:           Prof. Chen Zexian

Topic:               刑事法治與國際公約

Moderator:        Prof. Zou Mimi, Faculty of Law


Language:        Putonghua

Enquiries:         39438725


Anniversary Luncheon: (From left) Prof. Fanny Cheung, Prof. Du Jiangfeng, Prof. Wu Yueliang, Prof. Joseph Sung, Prof. Tan Tieniu, Prof. Peng Shige, Prof. Cao Xiaofeng and Prof. Henry Wong celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the CAS Academicians Visit Programme cum Lecture Series

Delegates of the 10th Chinese Academy of Sciences Academicians’ Visit Programme pose for a group photo with CUHK members

Delegates visit the University Gallery to learn about the development of CUHK

Delegates pose for a group photo at the Pavilion of Harmony

Prof. Liu Renbao (right), Department of Physics of CUHK, presents a souvenir to Prof. Du Jiangfeng

Prof. Wu Yueliang introduces the Chinese Taiji Programme in Space, which is proposed to detect gravitational waves

Prof. Wu Yueliang and Prof. Du Jiangfeng visit the Department of Physics

Prof. Peng Shige shares his research findings in the lecture

Prof. Peng Shige conducts an interactive sharing session with members of the Department of Physics

Students crowd into the classroom for Prof. Cao Xiaofeng’s lecture

Prof. Cao Xiaofeng meets with Prof. Samuel Sun, Master of the SHHO College

The Lecture Series by Scholars of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences is now open for application

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