The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jul 01, 2017 Volume 134
Office of Academic Links(China)
Student Interflow Programmes

Activity Highlights of CU in Mainland & Taiwan Activities in June

OALC is organizing over 50 activities this summer in collaboration with various mainland and Taiwan partner institutions. A total of 154 CUHK students went to mainland China for the following 15 student interflow programmes in June:





No. of CUHK Participants


Summer Camp on Three Gorges Culture

Chongqing University



Cultural experience

Shenzhen Cultural Summer Camp

Shenzhen University



Cultural experience

Cultural Study Camp for Chongqing and Hong Kong Students

Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications



Cultural experience

Shaoguan Service-Learning Camp for Pre-service Teachers

Shaoguan University




A Journey of Discovery: Summer Camp on Lingnan and Hunan Cultures

Shaoguan University, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine

(Shaoguan, Hunan)


Cultural experience

The 13th "Moonlet" Summer Programme

Harbin Institute of Technology

(Harbin, Russia)


Cultural experience

Cultural Week on Starting Businesses for Hunan and Hong Kong Students

Central South University



Cultural experience

Cultural Study Trip to Yunnan on Traditional Crafts

Yunnan University of Finance and Economics



Cultural experience

Exploring the "New" Chongqing: Cultural Summer Camp for Hong Kong University Students

Southwest University



Cultural experience

The Silk Road: Its Past and Present

Xian Jiaotong University

(The Silk Road)


Cultural experience

Cultural Study Tour to Northeast China for Hong Kong Students

Northeast Normal University



Cultural experience

Beijing-HK Cultural Interflow Camp on Chinese Culture

Tsinghua University



Cultural experience

Anhwei Cultural Summer Camp

Hefei University of Technology



Cultural experience

Jincheng Lecture: Lanzhou University Summer School

Lanzhou University



Course / training

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Summer School Session

Shanghai Jiaotong University



Course / training


Some activities under CU in Mainland & Taiwan this year are still receiving applications, though places are limited.  Programme details, enquiries and/or feedbacks can be forwarded to Mr. Simon Leung of our Office at 39434412 or via You may also visit our webpage for further information (click here).

CUHK students head for Russia from Harbin by train (Photo credit: Participants of summer programme hosted by Harbin Institute of Technology)

Participating students dance at the Farewell Party, led by teachers from the host (Photo credit: Mr Ares Chan; programme host: Yunnan University of Finance and Economics)

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