The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Oct 01, 2014 Volume 100
Office of Academic Links(China)
Student Interflow Programs

- Invitation to the Ministry of Education (MOE) Interflow Program 2015

- CU in Mainland & Taiwan – Winter Student Interflow Programs


Invitation to the Ministry of Education (MOE) Interflow Program 2015


Office of Academic Links (China) (OALC) has been coordinating with different parties and partner institutions to take forward the Ministry of Education (MOE) Interflow Program since it was launched in 2013. This program aims to support student experiential learning programs between the universities in Mainland China and Hong Kong. OALC has made announcement of the Program, inviting colleges and academic units to submit applications for projects to be undertaken in 2015.


A briefing session was held on 25 September 2014 with the purpose of updating CUHK colleagues on the relevant application procedures together with experience sharing in organizing the activities. In the first eight months of 2014, CUHK has conducted over 80 programs to Mainland China with participation of more than 1100 students.  The Sunny Post of Wu Yee Sun College showed some student sharing while participating in this Interflow Program.




CU in Mainland & Taiwan – Winter Student Interflow Programs


OALC will be organizing a wide range of programs in December, covering service-learning activities, study tours, cultural exploration trips and visits to historical sites. A list is provided below for initial information (details to be confirmed).


Host institutions



Activities (TBC)

Peking University

Study Camp on Contemporary China and the World


Lecture series on China's economic, political, cultural and social developments, visits to the Great Wall and other scenic spots

Nanjing University

The Search for Historical and Cultural Heritage: Traditional Crafts


Visits to museums and scenic spots, seminars and workshops

Harbin Institute of Technology

The "Moonlet" Programme


Skiing, watching ice sculptures, seminars, visits to museums and scenic spots

Sichuan University

PKU-SU Student Community Service Scheme


Community services in collaboration with Sichuan university students, seminars and visits

Fudan University

CUHK-Fudan College Exchange Programme


Seminars, visits to museums and scenic spots in Shanghai and Suzhou

Northeast Normal University

Hong Kong-Mainland Cultural Interflow Camp for Hong Kong and Mainland Students


Skiing, watching ice sculptures, seminars, visits to museums and scenic spots

Tsinghua University

A Course on the Social and National Conditions of Mainland China for Beijing and Hong Kong Students


Seminars and reports, visits to scenic spots and museums, seminars, watching Pekingese operas

Tsinghua University

Beijing-Hong Kong Cultural Interflow Camp on Chinese Culture


Visits to the Great Wall, scenic spots and museums, seminars, watching Peking operas

Central China Normal University

Cultural Study Camp to Wuhan, Hubei for Hong Kong University Students


Seminars, visits to museums and scenic spots in Yichang, Wuhan and Jingzhou


The above activities will be open for application in October. Please pay attention to our webpage and mass mails. Please read our Application Note carefully before lodging any applications.   Here are some students sharing for the activities.


The largest city in China engages my interest in comparison on Hong Kong and Shanghai. What are in Shanghai exist in Hong Kong as well. Skyscrapers, convenient transportation network, streets soaking with prosperity are the examples. Yet Shanghai is more extensive, differing from the crowdedness in Hong Kong. It seems that "concrete jungle" emerges in our own city. I enjoyed the self-exploration at nights. In Suzhou, I, together with some teammates, spent time in Shan Tang Jie (a pedestrian street), where we felt its historical atmosphere. In Shanghai, we went to Nanjing East Road, where we experienced the prosperity of Shanghai. Regardless of specific time of assembly, we stayed at any places so long as we would like to. (Chan Wing Man, participated in Fudan-CUHK Summer Study Camp 2014)


I've never been on a long-distance train before. Sleeping on a three-leveled bunk bed was of course the first time ever. Luckily I was able to fall asleep not long after lights out. Somehow my memories of this trip have been made up of fun and crazy laughter. I don't know if I'll forever remember all the details of this trip, but I'll definitely never forget the kindness of everyone I've met and the fun I've had! (Tam Vanessa, participated in the 7th "Moonlet" Summer Program organized by Harbin Institute of Technology)


Please feel free to refer to the following link or contact Mr. Simon Leung of OALC for more information.

Prof. Gordon Cheung gives an introduction in the briefing session of the MOE Programme

Ms. Wing Wong speaks at the briefing session of the MOE Programme

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