The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Apr 01, 2019 Volume 155
Office of Academic Links(China)
Academic Exchange Activities

1. The 8th AS Academician Visit Programme cum Lecture Series
2. 2019 CASS Scholars Visit Programme cum Lecture Series
3. Deputy Commissioner Yang Yirui shares diplomatic work experience on campus


The 8th AS Academician Visit Programme cum Lecture Series

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) held the Academia Sinica (AS) Academicians Visit Programme cum Lecture Series again by inviting three AS academicians to CUHK on 26 – 29 March.  They are Professor Tsai Ming-Daw from Institute of Biological Chemistry, Division of Life Sciences of AS; Professor Cheng Chien-Hong from Department of Chemistry of National Tsinghua University, Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences of AS and Professor Sun Tian-Shin from Institute of Linguistics, Division of Humanities and Social Sciences of AS.  They met with CUHK representatives to discuss collaboration opportunities between the two institutions.

CUHK senior and faculty members participating in this programme reception included Professor Fok Tai-fai, Professor Fanny Cheung and Professor Isabella Poon, Pro-Vice-Chancellors of CUHK; Professor Lai Pan-chiu, Faculty Dean of Arts; Professor Jiang Liwen, Associate Faculty Dean of Science; Professor Wong Kam-bo, School Director of Life Sciences; Professor Tang Sze-wing, Department Chairman of Chinese Language and Literature; Professor Henry Wong, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry and Research Professor; and Professor Michael Kenneth Chan, Professor of School of Life Sciences.

Representatives of CUHK gave an introduction of the University's latest research developments to the three academicians, and led them to discuss future collaboration plans with various academic units and laboratories including the School of Life Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Department of Chinese Language and Literature.  During their stay, the three academicians delivered public lectures for the "Lecture Series by Academicians" to share their experience and expertise in their respective fields of research.  Details are as below:


Lecture Topic

Professor Tsai Ming-Daw

New Horizon in Enzymology from Cryo-EM and X-ray Free-electron Laser (XFEL)

Professor Cheng Chien-Hong

Metal-Catalyzed C-H Functionalization for the Direct Synthesis of Pyridinium-Type Compounds and Their Application

Professor Sun Tian-Shin           

Evidentiality As Information-access Marking: Evidence from Tibetic

The AS Academicians Visit Programme was launched by the University in 2011 to promote closer linkage and collaboration in various research fields with AS academicians via the establishment of platforms for academic exchange, and to further enhance teaching and research competitiveness of the University.  Details of the visit programme can be found here.


2019 CASS Scholars Visit Programme cum Lecture Series

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) hosted three distinguished scholars through the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) Scholars Visit Programme from 20 to 23 March. The three CASS scholars are Prof. Liu Renwen from the Institute of Law, Prof. Shen Ming from the Institute of Linguistics and Prof. Wu Wenling from the Institute of History.
The University extended a warm welcome to the delegation.  The scholars met with Prof. Fanny Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor; Prof Lai Pan Chiu, Dean of Arts; Prof. Gane Christopher, Dean of Law; Prof. Tang Sze Wing, Department Chairman of Chinese Language and Literature and Prof. Lai Ming Chiu, Department Chairman of History.

Visits were paid to relevant academic and research units of the University including the Faculty of Law, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Department of History and T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre, where the scholars familiarized themselves with the latest development of the University, and interacted with faculty members to discuss on further collaboration plans in a range of relevant fields.
The scholars delivered public lectures for the Lecture Series of CASS Scholars during their stay in CUHK, sharing their expertise in respective research areas with members of CUHK and the public.  The lectures attracted an audience of around 100 people.  Lecture details are as follows:


Lecture Topics

Prof. LIU Renwen


Prof. Shen Ming


Prof. Wu Wenling


The CASS Scholars Visit Programme was first organized in 2012.  Each year, three to four scholars are invited to visit CUHK and deliver talks for the Lecture Series of CASS Scholars.  This programme aims to strengthen academic exchange and enhance long-term collaboration between CUHK and CASS, facilitating partnership development and research synergy.  Programme details of 2019 can be found here.


Deputy Commissioner Yang Yirui shares diplomatic work experience on campus

Mr. Yang Yirui, Deputy Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, visited The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on 28 March and shared his diplomatic work experience with CUHK's staff and students. Mr. Yang exchanged views on the topic "Current International Situation and Chinese Diplomatic Work" with audience and introduced China's strategy in promoting new international relations under the Belt and Road Initiatives, as well as the latest development between China and its partner countries.

Mr. Yang is a veteran diplomat who has long been engaged in diplomatic policy affairs. Prior to enter the Commissioner's Office, he joined the Department of West European Affairs, Department of Policy Research and General Affairs Department, and was posted in Chinese embassies in the United Kingdom, United States and South Africa.


Prof. Fanny Cheng (middle), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, welcomes the Academicians delegation from the Academia Sinica

AS Academicians meets with Prof. Isabella Poon (fourth from right), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK

Three AS Academicians tour the Arts Museum of CUHK for its latest exhibition

Faculty members of CUHK's Department of Chemistry warmly welcome the visit of Prof. Cheng Chien-Hong (middle)

Prof. Cheng Chien-Hong interacts with staff and students from Department of Chemistry

Prof. Sun Tian-Shin share expertise with CUHK members at lecture

Prof. Tang Sze Wing (left) presents souvenir to Prof. Sun Tian-Shin

Prof  Chan Michael Kenneth (right) presents souvenir to Prof. Tsai Ming-Daw

Staff and students from School of Life Sciences are attracted to the lecture delivered by Prof. Tsai Ming-Daw

Prof. Tsai Ming-Daw shares insights and experience with students from School of Life Sciences

Prof. Fanny Cheung (sixth from left), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, and faculty members welcome the delegates of the Chinese Academy of Social Science

Prof. Michelle Miao (left) invites Prof. Liu Renwen from CASS to speak at the Lecture

Prof. Tang Sze Wing (left) presents souvenir of CASS Lecture Series to Prof. Shen Ming

Dean Prof. Lai Pan Chiu (left) presents souvenir of CASS Lecture Series to  Prof. Wu Wenling

Pro-Vice-Chancellor Fok Tai-fai (left) and Prof. Anthony Fung (right) present souvenir to Deputy Commissioner Yang Yirui

Deputy Commissioner Yang Yirui  shares views  on "“Current International Situation and Chinese Diplomatic Work”

Distinguished Lecture presented by Deputy Commissioner Yang Yirui

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