The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Aug 01, 2017 Volume 135
Office of Academic Links(China)
Student Interflow Programmes

1. CUHK First Organizes Cultural Exchange Programme on the Belt and Road Initiative with Beijing and Lanzhou
2. Activity Highlights of CU in Mainland & Taiwan Activities in July


CUHK First Organizes Cultural Exchange Programme on the Belt and Road Initiative with Beijing and Lanzhou


The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) first organized a Leadership and Cultural Exchange Programme on the Belt and Road Initiative, in collaboration with Tsinghua University (Tsinghua) and Lanzhou University (Landa), from 15 to 29 July.  This activity had a total participant of 25 CUHK students and 9 Tsinghua and Landa students to host cultural exchange and field study activities in Beijing, Lanzhou, Dunhuang and Hong Kong.


Apart from the visits to Imperial Palace, the Great Wall in Beijing, as well as Mingsha Mountain, Crescent Spring and Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, CUHK students also helped host the return visit to Hong Kong, which comprised campus tours, talks on Belt and Road Initiative with Dr. Victor Zheng, Assistant Director of Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, and visits to museums, historical heritage and public organizations. Participating students took the opportunity to learn more about the relationship and interaction among Hong Kong, maninland China and the nation's Belt and Road Initiatve.


Prof. Wong Suk-ying, Associate Vice-President of CUHK, thanked Tsinghua and Landa for their effort contributing to the success of the activities in Beijing and Lanzhou.  She encouraged the inferflow of the students from 3 universities to actively experience Hong Kong, believing that such a series of activities can enable the participating students to gain a deep understanding of the city's educational, political, economic, social and cultural developments.


CUHK has been collaborating closely with Tsinghua and Landa since the establishment of partnership. A wide range of student activities in cooperation with the two universities have been held at university, college and faculty levels, among which summer courses, training programmes on national policies, thematic cultural camps and innovation and entrepreneurship activities are most popular among CUHK students.  CUHK jointed the "Belt and Road University Alliance" initiated by Landa in 2016 and subsequently planned this "Belt and Road" theme student activity with Landa and Tsinghua.  Special thanks are to be given to the Philip Wong Yu-hong Belt and Road Scholarship, which supported CUHK students' airfare to Beijing and Lanzhou.


Activity Highlights of CU in Mainland & Taiwan Activities in July


OALC is organizing over 50 activities this summer in collaboration with various mainland and Taiwan partner institutions. A total of 102 CUHK students went to mainland China for the following 14 student interflow programmes in July: 




No. of CUHK Participants


Global Initiatives Symposium in Taiwan


National Taiwan University



Thematic studies


Hoping Download Summer Voluntary Teaching Camp

National Taiwan Normal University



Cultural experience


Cultural Study Camp to Guangxi


South China University of Technology





Leadership and Cultural Exchange Programme on the Belt and Road Initiative

Tsinghua University, Lanzhou University

(Beijing, Lanzhou)


Thematic studies


City Changemakers: Summer Workshop on Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Tsinghua University



Thematic studies


Fudan University International Summer Session

Fudan University





Nanjing-Hong Kong Training Camp on Micro Movies

Nanjing University



Thematic studies


Renmin University Summer School Programme

Renmin University of China



Course / training


University Immersion Programme

Sichuan University



Course / training


Peking University Summer School Programme for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Students

Peking University



Course / training



HIT Summer School Session


Harbin Institute of Technology



Course / training


University Immersion Programme

Sichuan University



Course / training


Fudan University International Summer Session

Fudan University



Course / training


NCKU International Summer School

National Cheng Kung University



Course / training


Programme details, enquiries and/or feedback can be forwarded to Mr. Simon Leung of our Office at 39434412 or via You may also visit our webpage for further information (click here).

Group photo of CUHK-Tsinghua-Lanzhou Belt and Road Student Interflow Programme (Beijing session)

Group photo of CUHK-Tsinghua-Lanzhou Belt and Road Student Interflow Programme (Lanzhou session)

CUHK students first have a taste of riding camels!

Group photo of CUHK-Tsinghua-Lanzhou Belt and Road Student Interflow Programme (Hong Kong session)

Dr. Victor Zheng, Assistant Director of Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, shares his research insights with staff and students of the three universities (Photo credit: Mr. Kelvin Ao)

Group picture with Liu Yang, the first female Astronaut of China  (Photo credit: Mr. Zhang Yurong; programme host: Beihang University)

Jump in front of the Beijing National Stadium!  (Photo credit: Miss. Lau Hoi Ying; programme host: Beihang University)

CUHK students prepare for workshops (Photo Credit: Mr. Samuel Lo; programme host: National Taiwan University)

Chinese Calligraphy CUHK(programme host: Hefei University of Technology)

Visits to Li Hongzhang Former Residence (Photo credit: Miss. Tam Mei Yan; programme host: Hefei University of Technology)

Group photo of ice-breaking session in Dali Go (programme host: Fudan University)

Our group wins the third prize (Photo credit: Mr. Tong Zhiyin; programme host: Fudan University)

Visits to the border of China, Russia and North Korea (Photo credit: Miss. Liu Wai Man; programme host: Northeast Normal University)

Visits to Tianchi in Changbai Mountain (Photo credit: Miss. Liu Wai Man; programme host: Northeast Normal University)

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