The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Nov 01, 2012 Volume 75
Office of Academic Links(China)
Academic Linkages

2012 Meeting of the Association of University Presidents of China and Presidents' Forum

The Association of University Presidents of China (AUPC) was founded in November 1997 with the objective to enhance linkage and foster academic excellence. Meetings and forums for member universities have been organized since its establishment including the 2008 meeting held on CUHK campus. This year, Prof. Joseph Sung, Vice-Chancellor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), attended the AUPC Meeting and the Presidents' Forum in Zhejiang University on 9 October 2012.


Participants joining the Meeting and the Forum comprised presidents/leaders of 12 member universities, including President Prof. Zhang Jie of Shanghai Jiao Tong University; President Prof. Hou Jianguo of the University of Science and Technology of China; President Prof. Zheng Nanning of Xi'an Jiaotong University; President Prof. Yang Yuliang of Fudan University; President Prof. Chen Jun, of Nanjing University; President Prof. Yang Wei of Zhejiang University;  Executive Vice-President Prof. Wu Zhipan of Peking University; Vice-President Prof. Ding Xuemei of Harbin Institute of Technology; President Prof. Tsui Lap-chee of The University of Hong Kong; and President Prof. Tony Chan of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.


The theme of the Presidents' Forum this year was "Inheritance and Innovation for University and Culture". Heads of the universities were invited to give speeches on the topic and took part in subsequent exchanges. In the Forum, Prof. Joseph Sung delivered a speech entitled Internationalization or Standardization of Higher Education to share his views on the importance of university education in nurturing young generations with an international perspective but maintaining their identity and uniqueness. Discussions were held among the university leaders to exchange ideas and share experiences.


During the meeting, the twelve universities signed a Memorandum of Understanding on AUPC Visiting Scholars/ Administrators Scheme to further promote academic and executive exchange among the member universities.

Prof. Joseph Sung (6th from left, front row), Vice-Chancellor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) attended the 2012 Meeting of the Association of University Presidents of China and Presidents' Forum

Prof. Joseph Sung delivers a speech entitled "The future of Higher Education: Internationalization or standardization?" at the Presidents’ Forum

Handbook for the Association of University Presidents of China 2012

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