27. 03. 2021    ISSUE 29

Subtitled Versions of University Lecture on Civility: More Available

The University Lecture on Civility is one of the overwhelmingly received events of the I·CARE Programme.  It consists of seminars and forums that explore the relationship between men and society/ nature.  Scholars, artists and luminaries from around the world share their unique humanistic points of view with CUHK members and catalyse them to reflect on the meaning of life.

Recently, this Centre has re-edited the videos of partial classic talks of the University Lecture on Civility and added to them subtitles in Chinese (for talks conducted in Mandarin or Cantonese) or English (for talks conducted in English), so as to provide a more convenient way for the audience to review the events and have a complete experience of the spiritual feast.  Further to the earlier release of seven retouched videos of talks*, two more with subtitles are now available:

Title of the videos
Muhammad Yunus - Small Loans for a Big Future【2015 博群大講堂】
Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche - The Journey to Joy【2016 博群大講堂】

When viewing these videos, you may click the “cc” icon at the bottom right corner (for desktops) or the “caption” icon under the list of “options” at the top-right corner (for mobile devices) of the video player to turn on or off the subtitles.  Please click here to learn more about the relevant settings.

To enjoy the videos of the aforesaid University Lecture on Civility talks as well as those of other I·CARE activities, please click here to visit the website of this Centre.  If there is any enquiry, please contact Ms. Tsui of this Centre at 3943 8621 (Tel) or icare@cuhk.edu.hk (Email).


* List of lately retouched videos of talks:

林懷民:在水泥地上種花【2011 博群大講堂】(重製字幕版)
關子尹 x 梁文道:死亡的意義【2012 博群論壇】(重製字幕版)
林夕:詞人的書單【2013 博群書節】(重製字幕版)
姚仁喜:結廬在人境【2014 博群大講堂】
蔣勳:寂寞沙洲冷【2016 博群大講堂】
龍應台:青春迷惘後發現的十三件事【2017 博群大講堂】
Dr. Marcin Jakubowski: Assembling the Future - A Social Innovator’s Intriguing Project【2018 博群大講堂】

Subtitled Versions of University Lecture on Civility: More Available
Subtitled Versions of University Lecture on Civility: More Available

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Table of Contents


I·CARE Achievers Programme - Screening cum Sharing Session on “I Still Remember”

I·CARE Cross-generational Integration Programme: Topics Wanted

Mother Nature Rocks (2nd Tour): Open for Enrolment

A Walk in Community with I·CARE (1st Session): Open for Enrolment

Social Enterprise Startup Scheme: Progress Update

3rd Round of Social Service Projects Scheme: Open for Application

Training Activities on Running Social Service

“Fitness x Mentorship” Scheme: Progress Update

I·CARE Hong Kong Cultural Tours Project: Progress Update

Subtitled Versions of University Lecture on Civility: More Available

CUHK Bridge to China Team: Recognition Received

I·CARE and InnoPreneur

Event Calendar


Past Issue